EXCEPT A MAN BE BORN AGAIN...We are all born sinners. There is terrible wickedness deep within us (Jere. 17:9). We may try to suppress it through home-training or education but anytime someone really offends us, the animal in us will rear its terrible head. (Jere. 13:23).
MEMORY VERSE : Except a man be born-again he cannot see the kingdom of God. John 3:3. BIBLE PASSAGE: John 3:1-1 INTRODUCTION: What do we mean when we say someone has been born again? What is new birth? New birth is the creation of a new life in man by the Holy Spirit. All men were born into the family of Satan because every man born of woman is born unclean. (Job. 25:4). Therefore in order to become a member of the family of God, a new birth becomes necessary. The person who is born again has a second birthday and begins a new life. WHY IS A NEW BIRTH NECESSARY? We are all born sinners. There is terrible wickedness deep within us (Jere. 17:9). We may try to suppress it through home-training or education but anytime someone really offends us, the animal in us will rear its terrible head. (Jere. 13:23). It is impossible for us to be truly good deep within us without a rebirth. Now God says we must be holy in order to see Him. (Heb.12:14). But holiness is foreign to anyone who is not ...