LW‘Put up a real fight for the faith which was once for all committed to those who belong to Christ:
@Livingwater Study 8 STANDING UP FOR THE TRUTH DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: The Letter of Jude) When Jude began writing this letter he had in mind ”the salvation we share” - that is, the salvation shared by all who are saved; but in verse 3 we see that as he began to write, the Holy Spirit compelled him to appeal to his reader “to contend for the Faith which was once for all entrusted to the saints” - or as J. B. Phillips translates it, ‘Put up a real fight for the faith which was once for all committed to those who belong to Christ.’ Thus, we are reminded of the fact that it is our solemn duty, as believers, to stand up for the Truth. Verse 1 tells us that as Christians we have been “called…
loved by God the Father, and kept by Jesus Christ”; but verse 3 tells us that we are to contend for the Faith, or, as the word may be translated, we are to defend the Faith. This pre-supposes that the Faith is being attacked. This was the case in AD 66 when Jude w...