
Showing posts from April 18, 2018

Study8B...It is possible to be a worker in the church,fellowship coordinator,or whichever post you're holding or may be your own is ordinary member of a church and not being a Jewel.....Hebrew 12:14....Matthew 7:21

@Livingwater Study8B... CHARATERISTICS AND THE ATTITUDE OF THE JEWEL Malachi3:7-18 WHAT ARE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LORD’’ S JEWELS ? Verse 16 gives us the answer: ““Then……” ” When? When the majority of God’’s covenant people were out of touch with Him and were sinning against Him, there were some who did three things, and these tell us the marks or characteristics of those who are the Lord’’s jewels: (1) They feared the Lord. This was not a slavish fear but the reverential fear of a child for its parent. It is the fear of holy worshippers. Instead of acting as those did who are mentioned in Malachi 3:13-15, these who are called ‘’jewels’’ feared the Lord. Do we fear Him? Look up Psalm 34:9-11. (2) They talked with each other (verse 16). Their lips were full of praise to God and of testimony before others (Psalm 66:16). Is that the testimony of your heart and soul? If you are His jewel it should be. (3) They honoured His Name (verse 16). Their meditation was centred on th...

Study8A...At the time of Malachi’’s prophecy there were only a few, a small remnant, who were God’’s jewels. The majority were just like common stones. Are you part of the “remnant”?

@Livingwater Study 5A JEWELS CALLED BY A NEW NAME Scripture Portion: Malachi 3: 7-18 (KJV) In Revelation 21:19-22 the Lord tells us that the heavenly city is ablaze with jewels; and in Malachi 3:17 (KJV) the Lord speaks of His people as His jewels. Are you one of the Lord’’s jewels? The dictionary defines a jewel as – – “a precious stone, or anything or anyone highly valued.”” This leads to our first point:- 1 . The Lord has a company of people He calls His Jewels because they are very precious to Him. Malachi 3:17 (NIV) translates ‘’jewels’’ as ““treasured possession””; so the Lord has a people who are a treasured possession to Him. Who are these highly valued ones? Every Christian, everyone who is born again, is a treasured one, so what amazing grace that the Lord should make us His jewels and should tell us we are very precious to Him! Why are we so precious? (1) Like jewels, we are God’’s creation. No man can make a jewel; no chemist has ever been able to make a diamond,...