
Showing posts from March 9, 2019

LW:Answered prayer is a personal demonstration that our God is the living God, and is vitally interested in us.

@Livingwater Study 1B THE SECRET OF THE BLESSED LIFE Key Verse: ““O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.”” (Psalm 84:12 ) This series of ten studies is based upon Psalm 84:7 – – “”They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.” Notice the description of this present life in verse 6. We are all passing through the Valley of Baca (““weeping””); we all sooner or later come to know something of sorrow, disappointment and loss, for the road God calls us to walk must go by the way of the valley. No one is exempt from the Baca experiences, but the great word in verse 6 is “”through””. The valley is not our home, for we are passing through it and on into the presence of God (verse 7).we stopped at point one in the last study. 2 . There must be DESIRE FOR GOD The unconverted have no such desire –- look up Romans 3:11; but see what the man who recognises God says –- Psalm 84:2-3. He even envies the birds because they had made their nests and re...

LW: the first ingredient of a truly happy life is to recognise God as the all- powerful , graciously- providing,

@Livingwater Study 1A THE SECRET OF THE BLESSED LIFE Key Verse: ““O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man who trusts in you.”” (Psalm 84:12 ) This series of ten studies is based upon Psalm 84:7 – – “”They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.”” It is a series specially prepared for those who are ““in Zion””. Zion in the Old Testament is a picture of the Church, and only those who have been born again “”in Zion” are members of the true Church –- look up Psalm 87:5; Jeremiah 50:5; John 3:3. Again, this series will remind us that the Christian life is a life of progress. Those who are ““in Zion……go from strength to strength” -” they grow in grace, they are continually progressing, advancing, developing –- look up 2 Peter 3:18. Finally, this series will keep before us the great prospect that is ours as pilgrim travellers; that through the grace and merit of our Saviour every one of us who is truly ““in Zion”” will appear ““before God””. In the study of any...