Study 6 why the visit of Queen of Sheba ?
@Livingwater Study 6 QUEEN OF SHEBA: A ROYAL VISIT TO KING SOLOMON (Scripture Portion: 1 Kings 10: 1 - 13) In Matthew 12: 42, the Lord Jesus authenticated the historical accuracy of this beautiful story of the queen’s visit to the king. She was a wealthy woman, and she lived and ruled in what is now Ethiopia. King Solomon reigned in Jerusalem, and he was not only wealthy and powerful, but he was also very wise. Between Jerusalem and Ethiopia were trade routes by sea and by camel caravans. Thus, there was considerable commercial activity in fragrant spices, precious stones and gold, and it was along this caravan route that the queen travelled to visit the king. As we consider this graphic and heart-gripping story, we shall notice the steps by which men and women may come to the One who declared Himself to be greater than Solomon - even Jesus Christ our Lord - and how they may discover in Him all that they need for time and for eternity. 1 . WHAT SHE HEARD . Verse 1 tells us ...