
Showing posts from February 5, 2018

Study 10B...Much wrong teaching has been based upon these verses. The scriptures have frequently been distorted (2 Peter 3:16); some have taught that it is always God’’s will to heal and that no Christian ever needs to suffer.

@Livingwater Study10B...HEALING through prayer... James 5:13-16 You're welcome to the concluding part of this study, what was your resolution yesterday? 3 . The eye of faith must look to the Lord alone for His will to be revealed . Verse 14 concludes, “…“…and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.”” Oil is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, and every spiritual blessing we receive is conveyed to us by the Holy Spirit. There is no healing virtue in the oil itself, so why use oil? Anointing with oil is not necessary for healing, but it is an act by which those who are praying express their faith in God outwardly and visibly and show that they are trusting Him to perfect His will in the life of the one who is sick. 4 . If it is God’ ’ s will to heal in answer to prayer , a definite and specific gift of faith for the healing of the body will be given to those who pray. Verse 15 states that “”the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well””. But, “the prayer of fai...

Study10A...Does God heal today? Does He always heal? Does healing depend on our faith? Should we anoint the sick? Is it wrong to go to the doctor when we are ill? What should we do?

@Livingwater Study 10 HEALING IN ANSWER TO PRAYER THE LETTER OF JAMES Scripture Portion: James 5:13-16 The Bible has much to say about physical healing, but in this study we will confine our thoughts to James 5:13-16. Notice three things about this passage: (1) It applies to us today just as much as it did to those to whom it was written. This letter was written ““to the twelve tribes scattered among the nations”” (1:1); but see what Galatians 3:28 says. (2) Much wrong teaching has been based upon these verses. The scriptures have frequently been distorted (2 Peter 3:16); some have taught that it is always God’’s will to heal and that no Christian ever needs to suffer. (3) These few brief verses answer many of the questions that we want answered in relation to healing. For example: Does God heal today? Does He always heal? Does healing depend on our faith? Should we anoint the sick? Is it wrong to go to the doctor when we are ill? What should we do? 1 . Every time there is...

Study 9B...Once for favored sinners slain; Thousand thousand saints attending Swell the triumph of His train: Alleluia! Alleluia! God appears on earth to reign.

@Livingwater Study 9B..His Coming James 5:7-12 The return of Christ makes no sense if viewed only as a one-phased event. This is because the Scriptures present conflict and confusion, if trying to make the second coming simply the Lord breaking through the black clouds of Revelation 19:11, then defeating all rebels and moving to Jerusalem to set up His millennial kingdom. We stopped at 2nd point in the part A of this study yesterday, so we will continue from next point... 3 . The imminence of His coming should have a profound influence on our lives . In nearly every reference to the second coming in Scripture we see this truth: for example, 1 John 3:2-3. It is dangerously possible to be caught up with the theories (how? when? where?) and not to let the truth regulate our lives. James tells us that if we believe that Jesus is coming again, and that it will be sudden, at any moment, we shall do three things: (1) Watch our thoughts (verse 9); the word “”grumble”” refers to an ...

Study9A..It is a significant fact that all the New Testament writers make reference to the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. For example: in the four Gospels, in the recorded promises, parables and predictions of the Lord...

@Livingwater Study 9 WAITING FOR THE LORD’’S COMING THE LETTER OF JAMES T Read the wordings of this song! Lo, He comes with clouds descending Once for favored sinners slain; Thousand thousand saints attending Swell the triumph of His train: Alleluia! Alleluia! God appears on earth to reign. Now redemption, long expected, comes in solemn splendor near; all the saints this world rejected thrill the trumpet sound to hear: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! See the day of God appear! Those dear tokens of his passion still his dazzling body bears, cause of endless exultation to his ransomed worshipers; with what rapture, with what rapture, with what rapture gaze we on those glorious scars! Yea, amen! let all adore thee, high on thine eternal throne; Savior, take the power and glory, claim the kingdom as thine own: O come quickly! O come quickly! O come quickly! Thou shalt reign, and thou alone. —CHARLES WESLEY Scripture Portion: James 5:7-12 It is a signifi...