study 10 where will you be, perhaps He comes today?Think about it
@Livingwater Study 10 PERHAPS TODAY!WILL YOU BE RAPTURABLE? The coming again of the Lord Jesus to gather together to Himself those who belong to Him is not only a sure and certain hope, but it is an imminent hope. We are sure that He is coming back to take us Home to be with Himself (John 14:3), and we believe He is coming soon - perhaps today! This is what Peter meant when he wrote, “
the end of all things is near” (1 Peter 4:7). Peter may have had in mind the impending end of the old Jewish economy, or the approaching end of life itself, but primarily he was referring to the end of the age, to the coming again of Christ. All the early Christians believed in and expected the Lord’s return, and we today are to live in the light of this fact (James 5:8). If Jesus is coming soon then this will influence our living and our serving, for in the New Testament the truth of the second advent is always presented as a very practical matter affecting character and conduct. What difference...