PLACE OF TORMENT(hell): Hell was originally prepared for the devil and his wicked angels (Matt. 25:41). Hell was never intended for man but if men insist on rejecting heaven through the Saviour, Jesus Christ, then they must accompany Satan forever. The original size of hell is not known but because of man’s insistence on going there, God has had to enlarge hell (Isa. 5:14).
HELL MEMORY VERSE : The wicked shall be turned to hell, and all the nations that forget God. Ps. 9:17. BIBLE PASSAGE: Luke 16:19-31 INTRODUCATION : Is there an everlasting hell? The Bible declares in very certain terms that there is. There are 162 texts in the New Testament alone which speak of the doom that awaits the unrepentant sinner and 70 of these were uttered by the Lord Himself. Hell is a reality, an awful fact to be realized. It seems that the angels that sinned with Satan are even now in hell waiting for judgement (11 Pet. 2:4). The Bible made it abundantly clear that the wicked who finally reject Christ will be turned into hell (Ps. 9:17). WHAT IS HELL? Hell is a place of torment and punishment (Lk. 16:23). Hell is banishment from the presence of God (11 Thess. 1:9). Some people ask, “Where is hell” The Bible says it is “down” (Isa. 14:9). The justice of God demands degrees of punishment; therefore some parts of hell are hotter than others (Deut. 32:22). Perhaps those ...