
Showing posts from June 30, 2018

Study 4B..Conversion begins with serious consideration, and one of the best illustrations we have of this in the Bible is found in the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-19),

@Livingwater Study4B..Serious Consideration leads to Definite Action . (Psalm 119:59-60) The words to underline now are, “”I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes.”” When a man thinks hard and seriously about God and salvation, his own soul and his soul’’s need, he soon makes a decision that leads to action. So we find again in Luke 15:20 that the Prodigal Son came to the point where ““he got up and went to his father””. He turned his back on the old life and set out towards a new life. This lead us to the last point. 2 . Definite Action leads to Loving Obedience. The words to underline now are, “”I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.”” Definite action does not stop short at this point –- it must lead to a life of obedience. Conversion is just the beginning of a life of joyful obedience to the Lord, of finding out His perfect will, and doing it (Romans 12:2). Let us think about some other New Testament illustrations which are evidences o...

Study 4A...Christian conversion begins with serious consideration. But notice this,Serious Consideration leads to Definite Action .learn from prodigal son

@Livingwater Happy new month and happy Sunday! Study 4A WHAT IT MEANS TO BE CONVERTED Key-verses: ““I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes. I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.”” (Psalm 119:59-60) In this brief testimony the psalmist defines the meaning of scriptural and spiritual conversion, and that is the theme of this study. We are not only to think about conversion, but about spiritual conversion, Christian conversion, conversion to Christ Himself. Of course, we can be converted to anything –- to communism, fascism, protestantism, catholicism, or any other ‘‘ism’’, so it is obviously not enough to speak about conversion. What does the Bible mean by conversion? The answer is given in these two verses: scriptural conversion is not to a man, to a religion, to a church or a creed, but it is conversion to a Person –- or, perhaps we should say, to the three Persons in the Godhead. It is our whole life being turned into a right relationshi...