Study 10B... It was undeserved. How completely undeserved it was for Jonah; and how completely undeserving we are of the Lord’s gracious dealings with us!...God is faithful
@Livingwater Study10B...Jonah's deliverance Jonah 2:1-9.. Please take note of this study,God bless you and have a nice day... God called to Jonah one day and told him to go preach to Nineveh because the people were very wicked. Jonah hated this idea because Nineveh was one of Israel's greatest enemies and Jonah wanted nothing to do with preaching to them! Jonah tried to run away from God in the opposite direction of Nineveh and headed by boat to Tarsish. God sent a great storm upon the ship and the men decided Jonah was to blame so they threw him overboard. As soon as they tossed Jonah in the water, the storm stopped. Below are what Bro Jonah action after.... 2 . Jonah’ s urgent prayer It is important to compare Jonah 1:17 with Jonah 2:1. How urgent this man’s prayer was! - and he only made his prayer to the Lord when he was really in a tight fix. Look up and read Psalm 107 and particularly notice verses 6,13,19,20, and then the closing verse, verse 43. Concernin...