Study 7 Dorcas:Full of good works
Study 7 DORCAS: FULL OF GOOD WORKS (Scripture Portion: Acts 9: 36-42) The story of Dorcas, which forms the subject of this study, has been an inspiration to thousands. It is packed full of valuable lessons, all of which are important and some of which need particular emphasis in these days. Dorcas lived in Joppa, a town situated on the shore of the Mediterranean, which at that time was the chief seaport of Palestine – compare Jonah 1:3 and Acts 10:5-8. There was a Christian church at Joppa, and it is possible that the believers met for worship in Dorcas’ home, which in those early days was the custom - look up Acts 12:12 and Romans 16:5. 1 . Notice the significance of her name . Verse 36 tells us that her name in Aramaic was Tabitha, but in Greek it was Dorcas, which means “antelope” or “gazelle” - a very graceful animal! One writer says that “her name stands in the Bible as the symbol of Naphtali (Genesis 49:21), the giver of goodly words; then as panting after the water brook...