
Showing posts from May 22, 2019

LW: The greatest barrier to revival is sin. Are you right with God? Is there sin in your life? Are you living in disobedience to the Lord?

@Livingwater Study 7 SEVEN STEPS TO REVIVAL (Scripture Portion: Psalm 85) 2 . We must admit the POSSIBILITY of Revival. Are we convinced that revival is possible? The psalmist was! Six times in verses 1-3 he reminded God of what He had done –- “You showed… You restored“. And the fact that God has sent revival in the past demonstrates the possibility of revival coming again. Some people will not admit the possibility of revival coming in our day; for example, the ultra-dispensationalists, and all pessimistic, unbelieving, self-satisfied, worldly Christians will be slow to admit the possibility. But history, plus the promises of God, prove the possibility of revival. Look up 2 Chronicles 7:14; Jeremiah 33:3; Malachi 3:10 3 . We must recognise the SOURCE of Revival Where does revival come from? Verse 6 tells us. “You……” –- look up Psalm 62:11. It comes from God; it is not worked up but sent down, and therefore our eyes must not be upon men, methods, churches or denominations –- b...

LW: There will never be any revival until we are willing to admit our desperate need for it.

@Livingwater Study 7A SEVEN STEPS TO REVIVAL (Scripture Portion: Psalm 85) In verse 6 of this wonderful psalm, the psalmist prays for revival. Multitudes today are praying a similar prayer, and in this study we shall discover some of the things that God says about revival. Some of us have seen revivals on a very small scale, where in crowded meetings many souls have been saved, lives have been transformed and there has been a deep spirit of prayer resting upon the people of God; but few of us have seen any large-scale revivals. We have read sufficient about such mighty movements of the Spirit of God to make us long for the Lord to do it again! But – what is revival? Revival is renewal, restoration –- a fresh inflow of the life, love and power of God. People faint and then, when help is brought, they revive. Flowers droop, and when placed in fresh water they revive. Christians and churches also droop, faint and need reviving. There are degrees of revival. A sick person may revive an...

Lw: Good health is a great enemy of depression, and bad health is a good friend of depression.

@Livingwater Study 6B THE CAUSES AND CURE FOR DEPRESSION (Scripture Portion: Psalm 77) # WHAT ARE THE MOST COMMON CAUSES OF DEPRESSION? 1. A morbid, pessimistic outlook on life. In verse 2, the psalmist “refused to be comforted”. Some people are full of pessimism, always thinking and speaking in a “minor key” – “enjoying bad health”! As Christians, we should cultivate a holy optimism and deliberately refuse to dwell upon the dark side of things. What right have we to be pessimists? 2. An offending conscience. In verse 3, he tells us that in his depression he suddenly remembered God “…and was troubled”. Evidently he did not have a conscience “clear before God” (Acts 24:16). There was something between himself and God. Is there anything between us and the Lord? Are we disobeying Him in any way (Ephesians 4:30)? 3. A complaining spirit. In verse 3, the psalmist says, “I remembered you, O God, and I groaned”. The person who is always complaining is especially prone to depression. A...

Lw:Most of us know what depression is, and few can claim that they have never experienced depression of any kind.

@Livingwater Study 6A THE CAUSES AND CURE FOR DEPRESSION (Scripture Portion: Psalm 77) Most of us know what depression is, and few can claim that they have never experienced depression of any kind. Certainly the psalmist was depressed when he wrote Psalm 77; and since he knew what depression was, and we know it also, we shall base this study upon two books –- the Book of God and the Book of Human Experience. What gloomy and depressing reading this psalm makes! Have you ever felt like verses 2, 3 and 4? And have you ever said verses 7, 8 and 9? # NOTICE THAT DEPRESSION AFFECTS US IN AT LEAST FOUR WAYS 1. It overwhelms our spirit. The psalmist tells us this in verse 3. One dictionary definition of depression is “a lowering of the spirit”. How often some of us have experienced this! For some unaccountable reason we have found ourselves down in the depths –- our spirit has been defeated, dejected and overwhelmed. 2. It awakens our memory. In verse 6 the psalmist tells us that in hi...