Study 2B..The first condition of securing real guidance in our daily life is to ask for it, the next is to look for it,
@Livingwater Study 2B..special Guidance Genesis 24:10-27 A failure to yield our possessions. …if there is something you own which you can’t give away, you don’t own it, it owns you!Matthew 25:21…If God doesn’t get your attention on the ‘one-talent’ propositions in life, you’ll never get a chance at the ten talent ones! Our sinful nature…”All we, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6) The ‘self-made man’ usually worships his creator…self! We stopped from point 2 in the last part ..... 3 . Abraham ’ s servant asked God to give him special guidance . In verse 12 we have the servant’s prayer. It is simple and direct, and it reveals the fact that this man was certainly in close fellowship with God. Alexander Maclaren says that, ‘The first condition of securing real guidance in our daily life is to ask for it, the next is to look for it, and the third is to be willing to accept it, whether the finger points down the broad road tha...