
Showing posts from February 15, 2018

Study 2B..The first condition of securing real guidance in our daily life is to ask for it, the next is to look for it,

@Livingwater Study 2B..special Guidance Genesis 24:10-27 A failure to yield our possessions. …if there is something you own which you can’t give away, you don’t own it, it owns you!Matthew 25:21…If God doesn’t get your attention on the ‘one-talent’ propositions in life, you’ll never get a chance at the ten talent ones! Our sinful nature…”All we, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6) The ‘self-made man’ usually worships his creator…self! We stopped from point 2  in the last part ..... 3 . Abraham’ ’ s servant asked God to give him special guidance . In verse 12 we have the servant’’s prayer. It is simple and direct, and it reveals the fact that this man was certainly in close fellowship with God. Alexander Maclaren says that, ‘‘The first condition of securing real guidance in our daily life is to ask for it, the next is to look for it, and the third is to be willing to accept it, whether the finger points down the broad road tha...

Study 2A...In this chapter we have the account of Abraham’’s commission to his chief servant to go in search of a bride for Isaac.

@Livingwater Study 2A. THE PRAYER FOR SPECIAL GUIDANCE GREAT PRAYERS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Scripture Portion: Genesis 24: 10-27 In this chapter we have the account of Abraham’’s commission to his chief servant to go in search of a bride for Isaac. Abraham was getting very old (Genesis 24:1) and Isaac at this time was over forty years of age and still unmarried. Please read verses 2-9 carefully. In verses 9 and 10 we have the record of the way this chief servant prepared for his journey and then set out to go to the city of Nahor in Mesopotamia, to look for a bride for Isaac. Abraham was much in prayer about this, as is suggested by the words at the end of verse 7; but so was Abraham’’s servant, as verse 12 tells us. How could he possibly choose the right girl unless he received some special guidance in the matter? He not only needed guidance in a general sense, but he needed it in a very special sense, and here it is important to notice that the guidance that God gives to His chi...

Study 1B...When we pray for the salvation of loved ones and friends our motive must be the glory of God, otherwise we shall fall into the error of James 4:3

@Livingwater Study1B...Urgent call for winning the lost soul...through prayer Genesis18:23-33 But more, their future prospect is a terrifying one (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9), and compare Matthew 8:12; 13:42; 22:13; 24:51; 25:10-12 and Luke 13:25-28. As you consider the need of those who are without Christ do you not feel as the queen felt, of whom we read in Esther 8:6? –- look up and compare Exodus 32:32; Luke 19:41 and Romans 9:3. 4 . It must be offered with a firm belief in God’’ s willingness to hear and answer prayer for their salvation. It is moving to read Genesis 18:23-26 and to realise how willing God was to hear and to answer Abraham’’s prayer! Each time Abraham made the request God said, ‘‘Yes…’…’, until Abraham stopped making a request. Why did he not go on praying? There is an element of mystery here and yet there were less than ten in Sodom who loved and belonged to the Lord. God’’s judgment must fall upon sin and upon the sinner if he will not turn from his sin (Isa...

Series 15 study 1A..There is little doubt that our first parents must have prayed, especially before the Fall. In Genesis 4:26 we read that in the year of the birth of Enoch ““men began to call on the Name of the Lord””.

@Livingwater Study 1A THE PRAYER FOR A WICKED CITY GREAT PRAYERS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Scripture Portion: Genesis 18: 23-33 There is little doubt that our first parents must have prayed, especially before the Fall. In Genesis 4:26 we read that in the year of the birth of Enoch ““men began to call on the Name of the Lord””. Probably this refers to some form of united prayer. In this first study we are to consider Abraham’’s great prayer for the people who lived in the city of Sodom. Our study is based upon three facts: (1) Sodom was a very wicked city (Genesis 13:13; 18:20; Isaiah 1:9 and 3:9; and Lamentations 4:6. (2) God said that His judgment must fall upon Sodom (Genesis 18:20-21). (3) Abraham, moved with the desire for God’’s glory and a love for the people of Sodom, prayed to the Lord and pleaded with Him to spare the people. We live in a city like Sodom, in a world that is full of sinners, and just as Abraham interceded for the people of Sodom so we are to plead for the mu...