LW: Unbelief is a paralysing sin; it not only paralyses us, but it limits God
@Livingwater Study4B How do we limit Him? (Scripture Portion: Psalm 78:25-41) DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH From this psalm notice all the ways in which the Israelites sinned against God and displeased Him. The complete list is a long one, but notice the following seven ways in which we also limit Him: We limit God by our DISOBEDIENCE. Look at verse 10. The one fundamental condition of blessing in the lives of God’s people is obedience, which simply means gladly and unquestionably doing what God says. How do we stand with regard to this? Are you a disobedient Christian? Look up John 15:7,10,14 and note the condition; and compare John 14:15; 1 John 3:21-24. Disobedience limits God’s blessing in and through us. We limit God by our WORLDLINESS. In verse 33 we read ”so he ended their days in futility” - and surely a modern word for this could well be worldliness. Many of us are worldly! We fail to realise that our citizenship is in Heaven (Philippians 3:20), that the Lord has ca...