
Showing posts from October 2, 2017

Study 5 what are the marks of His coming?

@Livingwater Study 5 THE MARKS OF HIS COMING In our last study we saw that the “blessed hope” of the Christian is the personal return of Christ, and that He will return first into the air for His own (1 Thessalonians 4:17), and then to the earth with His own (Jude 14; Zechariah 14:4; Acts 1:11). Now, is there any way in which we can receive guidance as to when He will come? We would, of course, be foolish and wrong to try to fix the exact day and hour of His return (Zechariah 14:7; Matthew 24:36; Mark 13:32; Acts 1:6-7), but the Word of God mentions certain signs or indications that we are nearing the end of the present age –- look up Luke 21:28. The Lord Jesus, the Old Testament prophets and the apostles all foretold that certain events would take place on the earth and in the Church which would herald the second advent. Just as the appearance of John the Baptist was the token that Jesus the Messiah was about to be revealed the first time (Isaiah 40:3), so today the presence of ce...

Study 4 how will the rapture of the church look like?click and see

@Livingwater Study 4 THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH The Lord Jesus Christ is coming again –- personally and soon! In our second study we considered the scriptures’ weighty testimony concerning this glorious fact, and in our third study we saw that the promises relating to the second advent of Christ can only mean what they say: that the same Lord Jesus who first came 2000 years ago is coming back again the second time (Hebrews 9:26 and 28). But how is He coming, and when, and for whom? In approaching this study it is necessary to point out that the scriptures teach that the second coming of Christ will take place, for want of a better way of stating the truth, in two stages. All the prophecies of the Old Testament tell us of His coming in power as the Son of man to reign and to rule. But there are two important passages in the New Testament which tell us that before our blessed Lord returns to the earth (Zechariah 14:4), as Son of man (Matthew 24:27 and 30), for Israel’s deliverance (Z...