Study6B..Those who hate and reject God’s Word do so primarily because they are not willing to submit to its authority and live according to its teaching.
@Livingwater Study6B..WHY WE LOVE THE BIBLE Key-verse: “Oh, how I love your law!” (Psalm 119:97) We will be checking on the remaining points today.we have study how bible can convince sinner like Zacchaeus,Ethiopia man and others. 2. THIS BOOK CONVERTS THE SEEKER The Bible is the instrument the Holy Spirit uses to show man that he is a sinner. Only the Holy Spirit can convict or convince of sin, and He does it with the sword-thrust of the Word, of which He is the Author - look up and compare John 16:8 with Ephesians 6:17 and Hebrews 4:12. The Bible shows us that we are sinners, and this is one reason why many do not read the Bible; it shows them their sinful state and their sinful actions. For example, look up Ecclesiastes 7:20; Isaiah 53:6; John 8:7-9 and Romans 3:10-23. The Bible not only declares that all men are sinners, but it states that because of our sin we are dead (Romans 6:23 and Ephesians 2:1); and we are lost (Luke 19:10 and 2 Corinthians 4:3).If we were in a bu...