
Showing posts from February 25, 2018

Study7B...One of the best ways to keep walking in the straight and narrow way is to be regularly introspective. This involves being sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s conviction, being humble in reading the Word

@Livingwater Study7B... Search my heart ,oh God Psalm139:23-24 David is quick to understand and admit that he is prone (as we all are) to hidden sins (see Psalm 19:12), errors of heart of which we are not yet aware. Once we become aware of them, we need to deal with them, and it is David who sets an example of being proactive in this process. Rather than waiting for sin to happen and the consequences to result, David asks God to show him where his faults might lie. 2 . When we should pray this prayer (1) When we come to the Lord’’s Table. Turn to 1 Corinthians 11:28. (2) When we are experiencing prosperity. Why? Because at such a time we are likely to become spiritually slack –- read Psalm 62:10 and Psalm 119:67. (3) When we are experiencing adversity. Why? Because it could be the Lord’’s loving chastening in order to bring us back into the line of His will –- look up Hebrews 12:6-11. (4) When our service seems fruitless and barren. The Lord’’s will is that we should bring ...

Study7A... No psychiatrist knows our hearts or our minds, but the Lord Himself is the searcher of hearts and knows us intimately and accurately.

@Livingwater Study 7A. THE PRAYER FOR SEARCHING OF HEART GREAT PRAYERS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Scripture Portion: Psalm 139: 23-24 Have you ever prayed the prayer which forms the theme of this study –- ““Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting””? Notice four things about David’’s prayer:- (1) He addresses God. God is the only one who really knows our hearts (Psalm 139:1-4). No psychiatrist knows our hearts or our minds, but the Lord Himself is the searcher of hearts and knows us intimately and accurately. (2) He asks God to search him through and through. He prays for searching of his heart, his thoughts and for such an intimate inspection that if there is any ““offensive way”” this will be revealed. The word ‘‘search’’ means ‘to ‘ransack’’; it reminds us of a policeman with a search warrant, the searching look of a loved one, or of the searchlight which penetrates the...

Study6B..True understanding of the apostolic word is a free gift of God. We do not find it on our own. It is given. That is why we pray, “Give me understanding

@Livingwater do I illuminate through prayer... Psalm119:18 All of us know what it is like to read without seeing “wondrous things.” We have stared at the most glorious things without seeing them as glorious. We have seen unspeakable love without feeling loved. We have seen immeasurable wisdom and felt no admiration. We have seen the holiness of wrath and felt no trembling. Which means we are seeing without seeing (Matthew 13:13). 2 . ““Open my eyes that I may …” …” see the love of God and His mercy and grace in the Lord Jesus Christ . We know the story of the grace of God so well, which is declared in John 3:16. How all-embracing is the love of God! Read again Luke 15:11-24 and revel in verses 20-24! The great proof of God’’s love is seen at Calvary, and when my eyes are opened to see the Lord Jesus dying there for me I cry out, “”the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me”” (Galatians 2:20), and humbly say, ““My Lord and my God!”” (John 20:28). Have y...

Study6A...Our object will be to see exactly what it tells us and then to suggest ways in which we should pray this prayer, for it is a prayer which should arise from our hearts every time we read God’’s Word

@Livingwater Study 6A. THE PRAYER FOR SPIRITUAL ILLUMINATION GREAT PRAYERS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Scripture Reference: Psalm 119: 18 In this study we are to examine this prayer of David: ““Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.”” Our object will be to see exactly what it tells us and then to suggest ways in which we should pray this prayer, for it is a prayer which should arise from our hearts every time we read God’’s Word. If we consider Psalm 119:18 carefully we shall see that this one petition embodies five truths. First of all we learn that:- (1) The Bible is a unique book. In this section of the psalm it is described as “”your word”” (verse 17); ““your law”” (verse 18); ““your commands”” (verse 19); ““your laws”” (verse 20); “”your statutes”” (verses 22 and 24); ““your decrees”” (verse 23), and the emphasis in each case is upon the word ‘‘your’’. The Bible is unique because it is God’’s Book; He is the Author. David’’s Bible was much smaller than ours, b...