
Showing posts from April 21, 2019

Lw:So, to anyone who is seeking true happiness, here are the steps: Repentance, Faith, Obedience and Communion.

@Livingwater Study 1B THE SECRET OF TRUE HAPPINESS (Scripture Portion: Psalm 1) THE SECRET OF THE HAPPY MAN ’ S HAPPINESS Is there a secret? Yes! It is clearly stated, first negatively and then positively , in verses 1 and 2. It is a four-fold secret: 1. Repentance.This is implied in verse 1 2. Faith.This is indicated in verse 2. 3. Obedience. “His delight is in the law of the Lord”; therefore he is a man of obedience, and faith plus obedience brings true happiness. Trust and obey, For there’s no other way To be happy in Jesus, But to trust and obey. 4. Communion.Verse 2 tells us this 3 . THE SOLEMN PATH AND PROSPECT OF THE UNHAPPY MAN Unbelievers are described as the wicked (verses 1, 4, 5), sinners (verses 1 and 5), and mockers (verse 1). Notice that: 1. The path, the position and the prospect of the unbeliever is quite different from that of the believer (verse 4). 2. The unbeliever is like “chaff” – no life, no vitality, no fruitfulness, no security, no stabilit...

LW:There is an idea abroad that God does not want us to be happy. This, of course, is the Devil’s lie, though unfortunately even some Christians half believe it.

@Livingwater Study 1A THE SECRET OF TRUE HAPPINESS Psalm 1 forms an introduction to the whole psalter. It shows us the secret of true happiness – and who does not want to learn that secret? There is an idea abroad that God does not want us to be happy. This, of course, is the Devil’s lie, though unfortunately even some Christians half believe it. But God wants us to be happy. Let's consider this. 1 . GOD ’ S PICTURE OF THE HAPPY MAN If we ask, What is the blessed, or happy, man like? verse 3 tells us. “He is like……”, and then follows a seven-fold description of the godly man, the believer, the Christian. We introduce these characteristics by the seven key-words so helpfully suggested by the late Dr W. Graham Scroggie. 1. Vitality: “a tree……” This denotes life, and the happy man, the true Christian, has received a new life (John 3:3; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 2:1), a divine life (2 Peter 1:4). 2. Security: “a tree planted……” This suggests a carefully chosen tree, cared f...