
Showing posts from March 27, 2019

LW:Some people only pray when trouble comes. This is very sad, though it is true that the Lord does give a special promise for times of trouble.

@Livingwater Study 5B WHY, WHEN AND HOW TO PRAY Key Verse: ““…they should always pray and not give up.”” (Luke 18:1) If a bad man (and the unjust judge was that) will yield to the entreaty of a poor widow, how much more will God yield to the earnest prayers of His people! 2 . WHEN should we pray ? The answer is, ““Always!”” which means at all times and in all circumstances. See how the apostle Paul puts it in Ephesians 6:18 and 1 Thessalonians 5:17. When should we pray? 1. At regular stated times. We do many things daily by habit, and we should form the habit of prayer –- look up Psalm 55:17, and compare Daniel 6:10. 2. When the Holy Spirit urges us. Have we not all had this experience? – look up Romans 8:26-27. As surely as we go into the place of prayer so surely is the Holy Spirit present to guide us in our praying. It is wonderful to be thus guided by Him to pray for someone for whom previously we had no thought of praying, and afterwards to discover that our prayer was th...

LW:Nothing is more important in the life of the Christian than that there should be a right understanding of, and a regular engaging in, the privilege of prayer. Prayer means contact with...

@Livingwater Study 5A WHY, WHEN AND HOW TO PRAY Key Verse: ““…they should always pray and not give up.”” (Luke 18:1) Nothing is more important in the life of the Christian than that there should be a right understanding of, and a regular engaging in, the privilege of prayer. Prayer means contact with, communion with and fellowship with God. It is not simply asking God for things, though it does include that. Our Lord related the parable in Luke 18:1-8 in order to stress the great importance of prayer. He said, “”they should always pray…”…” This, of course, is a comprehensive word; it is the privilege of all to pray, and in this chapter 18 of Luke’’s Gospel we are given five examples: a praying widow (verse 3); a praying Pharisee (verse 10); a praying publican (verse 13); a praying ruler (verse 18); and a praying beggar (verse 38). 1 . WHY should we pray? There are many answers to this question, but let us confine our answer to the suggestion that arises out of the word ““should””...