
Showing posts from January 19, 2018

Study 1B...When James calls himself ““a servant of God”” he means that he is His slave. This implies absolute obedience. A slave knows no law but the word of his master. He has no rights of his own...spiritual maturity

@Livingwater Study 1B...Spiritual maturity.. James 1:1-4,12 Jesus came to offer life to the fullest (John 10:10) and He invites us to follow Him towards that end. If we know that we need help and that help comes from listening and following Jesus then as we reach out for Him He will lead us into spiritual maturity. Here are the remaining few step to spiritual growth...God bless you 4 . We must take our place as a slave. When James calls himself ““a servant of God”” he means that he is His slave. This implies absolute obedience. A slave knows no law but the word of his master. He has no rights of his own. His master literally owns him (1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Peter 1:18-19). To be a slave also implies utter loyalty –- pledged to his master. His own profit, and even his comforts, do not matter. What a privilege to be a slave of the Lord Jesus! 5 . We must expect our faith to be tested , and must submit to the Lord in all His dealings with us . James takes this up in verses ...