Study 7 What are the bygones and the things ahead?
@Livingwater Study 7tTHE BYGONES AND THE THINGS AHEAD (Scripture Portion: Philippians 3: 12-21) The life and ministry of the apostle Paul was dominated by one supreme objective, and it is to this that he refers in Philippians 3:13-14 - “But one thing I do. Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal.
” Paul is employing an illustration from the realm of athletics. He pictures a Greek runner. As he runs along the prescribed course he banishes all thoughts of past failures, and he strains every nerve in an effort of tremendous concentration on reaching his goal; his one and only concern is to win the race. Likewise, if we are to succeed in the race of life we must very deliberately “forget “, and very deliberately “press on “. 1 . THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND WHICH WE SHOULD FORGET Strangely enough, a good memory is not always a great asset! It is not the things we forget which we should have remembered which cause the most trouble;...