Study 7 who's Obadiah?
@Livingwater Study 7 OBADIAH: SERVANT OF JEHOVAH (Scripture Portion: 1 Kings 18: 1 - 16) There are no less than thirteen Obadiahs mentioned in the Old Testament, but the man we have chosen for the subject of this study is mentioned in 1 Kings 18: 1 - 16, and he was governor, or lord chamberlain, in the palace of King Ahab. Some have written most disparagingly about this servant of the Lord, but we read of him not only that he “feared the Lord”, but that from his youth he had “feared the Lord greatly” - verses 3 and 12. This man had his failures, and he was certainly not an Elijah, but we see in him many noble qualities. He feared the Lord in a day of apostasy, idolatry and immorality. When Elijah asked him to seek audience with the wicked King Ahab then Obadiah was very frightened, but he overcame his fear and “went to meet Ahab”, to whom he delivered the message (verse 16). Here are some main lessons to consider: 1 . Obadiah came to know the Lord when he was quite young. W...