LWGod is the author of the Faith which He has delivered to the saints through ‘holy men of God’ - and it is this Faith which is divine in its origin that we are to defend.:
@Livingwater Study 8B STANDING UP FOR THE TRUTH DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: The Letter of Jude) There is no other faith. This is the one and only perfect revelation of God, and Jude is careful to use the definite article here! It is “ the Faith once entrusted…”
, not a faith - compare Hebrews 1:1-3.Now that we have known what to defend,why are we defending it and how do we go about defending the Faith. 2 . Notice now: WHY ARE WE TO DEFEND THE FAITH ? The answer is: because the Faith is being attacked. Today all the great fundamental truths of the Christian Faith are being attacked and denied - not just by outsiders, but by men inside the church. All the teaching in our schools and in the media about Evolution is a direct denial of the truth of God; and this denial has percolated into most of our denominational colleges, pulpits and much literature. Prophecy has been fulfilled - look up 2 Timothy 3:1-8; 4:1-4. We are to defend the Faith and stand up for t...