
Showing posts from October 26, 2017

Study9 What's the nature of sin?self versus God's spirit

@Livingwater Study 9 THE SINFUL NATURE VERSUS THE SPIRIT (Scripture Portion: Galatians 5: 16-26) It was surely characteristic of the late Canon Guy King to entitle a sermon he once preached on Galatians 5:19-23 –- “From the Slum to the Orchard”! (Verses 19-21 describe the slum; verses 22-23 describe the orchard). It is God’s will that we, who by nature are in the slum, should be translated into the orchard; that we, from whose lives proceeded such evil things, should be made new creatures in Christ Jesus and that the fruit of the Spirit should be manifested in us. In Galatians 5:16-26, there is a progressive line of teaching concerning the two-fold nature of the believer. Let us consider this very important doctrine. 1 . Before we are born again and become Christians we possess a sinful , fallen, depraved nature . The expression “the sinful nature” occurs in verse 16, twice in verse 17 and in verses 19 and 24, and it is the Bible description for unregenerate human nature. The “...