Study 4 Judas Iscariot: His terrible betrayal
Study 4 JUDAS ISCARIOT: HIS TERRIBLE BETRAYAL (Scripture Portion: Acts 1: 15-26) The story of Judas is one of the sad stories in the Bible. We think of Cain, who slew his brother (Genesis 4:1-10); of David, who committed the two-fold sin of adultery and murder (2 Samuel 11:1-27); of the Rich Young Ruler and his refusal (Luke 18:18-25); of Ananias and Sapphira, who committed the sin of deception (Acts 5:1-11) - but the saddest story of all is that of Judas Iscariot, for his story and his end are full of ignominy and shame. The history of this man is told in the four gospels, and it is gathered up in the first chapter of Acts, verses 15-26. We shall confine our study to a consideration of this latter portion. 1 . Judas never was a converted man . Always remember that the story of Judas is not the story of a backslider. Acts 1:25 tells us that Judas “left” - but he did not leave being a Christian, for he never was one. He left his privileged office and position among the apostles. T...