
Showing posts from August 20, 2017

Study 8 Apollos:Mighty in the word(Word filled Christian)

Study 8 APOLLOS: MIGHTY IN THE WORD (Scripture Portion: Acts 18: 24 to 19:7) All that we know about Apollos is recorded in Acts 18:24-28; 19:1; 1 Corinthians 1:11-12; 3:4-6; 16:12 and Titus 3:13. Apollos was a Jew (Acts 18:24). Alexandria was a celebrated city of Egypt, situated on the south-eastern shore of the Mediterranean, which was named after Alexander the Great who founded it. All that we are told about Apollos gives us ample material for our study, but there are several special lessons that will emerge. 1 . Apollos was a man who possessed outstanding gifts . We learn this from Acts 18:24-26, and we should notice the following: What a fine example of a preacher and worker Apollos was! And yet…… 2 . There was a very great lack in Apollos ’ experience and in his ministry. Like the twelve men in Acts 19:1-7, (who were probably his “converts”), and from Acts 18:25, we learn that Apollos knew “only the baptism of John”. John’s baptism was the baptism unto repentance –- an act...