Christians don't tell lies....some just sing them even in church.hmmmmmm
CHRISTIANS DON’T TELL LIES…SOME JUST SING THEM IN CHURCH Normally, I try to start each article I write with a story relating to the topic. This time I want to begin by asking some questions. Assuming most people who read this post are Christians and attend worship and/or Bible study services at a local congregation, please answer the questions as they pertain to your situation. At your congregation, are there as many people who attend Bible study on Sunday morning as there are who attend worship services? At your congregation, are there as many people who attend Sunday evening services as there are who attend worship on Sunday morning? At your congregation, are there are many people who attend a mid-week Bible study as there are who attend Sunday morning worship service? At your congregation, if there is a Gospel meeting or special series of lessons presented throughout the week, do as many people attend as show up for Sunday morning worship? Are there members of your congregatio...