Study 12A..Those who truly love and belong to the Lord are in danger of backsliding. It is the easiest possible thing for any of us to backslide. James indicates this when he says, “If one of you should wander from the truth…” Never remain at your falling state..
@Livingwater Study 12 GOING AFTER THE BACKSLIDER THE LETTER OF JAMES Scripture Portion: James 5:19-20 We should link together the two concluding verses of the Letter of James (verses 19-20) and Galatians 6:1-2. Why? Because both James and Paul were writing about the restoration of a backslider. Two ministries were committed to Peter by the Lord: first, he was to catch men (Luke 5:10); but second, he was to feed the flock (John 21:17). These two ministries are committed to every Christian - the work of soul-saving and the work of soul-shepherding. All of us who belong to the Lord are to seek lost sinners, but we are to be ready also to restore our brothers and sisters when they wander away from Him. Cain once asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:8-10). As Christians we are just that; we are responsible for our brothers and sisters in Christ. If they fail, fall or backslide we are to be concerned for them and go out after them, to bring them back to the Lord. See how...