
Showing posts from February 20, 2018

Study5B..The church world is hopelessly sick and empty and searching the empty cisterns of flesh for something to revise their flock. This is the very reason that the modern church has turned to rock music, the psychologist’s couch and multiple schemes of sociology for resuscitation.

@Livingwater Study5B..Holy Spirit quickens us Psalm 80:18 HELPLESS FLESH, BORN IN SIN, CAN BE TRANSFORMED AND MADE DYNAMIC BY THE LIFE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD. The Holy Ghost was not sent to give you an emotional high, He came to flood you with life, even abundant spiritual life far beyond just emotions. Apostle Paul said it plainly, “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” (Romans 8:11) The church world is hopelessly sick and empty and searching the empty cisterns of flesh for something to revise their flock. This is the very reason that the modern church has turned to rock music, the psychologist’s couch and multiple schemes of sociology for resuscitation. 4 . It is through God’’ s Word that the Holy Spirit quickens us when we are in bondage and sets us free. How easy it is to get into bondage to sin (Romans 6:12); to self (Ro...

Study5A..The word we shall consider in this study is the word “”quicken”” (or ““quickening””). It means “”to give life and to preserve life”” and “”to be made alive””.

@Livingwater Study 5A THE PRAYER FOR DIVINE QUICKENING GREAT PRAYERS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Scripture Reference: Psalm 80: 18 The word we shall consider in this study is the word “”quicken”” (or ““quickening””). It means “”to give life and to preserve life”” and “”to be made alive””. This covers our basic needs, because we need to receive life and to be preserved by life; we need to receive life initially, which takes place at the time of conversion, but we also need to be preserved by life continually, which refers to God’’s work of sanctification. From the scriptures we learn two things:- (1) The HOLY SPIRIT is the one who GIVES LIFE (quickens) –- look up and compare John 6:63 and 2 Peter 3:18. (2) The WORD OF GOD is the INSTRUMENT the Holy Spirit uses to accomplish this work –- we learn this from many references in the Scriptures and Romans 4:17 and Romans 8:11 illustrate this. 1 . It is through God ’’ s Word that the Holy Spirit quickens us with new life, so that we bec...

Study 4B..Drop Thy still dews of quietness, Till all our strivings cease; Take from our souls the strain and stress: And let our ordered lives confess The beauty of Thy peace.””

@Livingwater Study4B..qualities of Jabez prayer 1chronicle4:9-10 These, then, are the four characteristics of this amazing prayer that Jabez offered for himself. Now notice from this prayer of Jabez how to pray that God will give you true prosperity. In verse 10 we are told that Jabez prayed for four things. They are clearly mentioned, and we cannot do better than follow this man’’s example and pray as he prayed:- 1 . We should pray for Grace . Jabez prayed, ““Oh, that you would bless me……!”” What did he mean by this request? Every believer is already wonderfully blessed (Ephesians 1:3); but surely Jabez was praying for God’’s blessing that he might be the man God wanted him to be –- see what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15:10. We can only be what God wants us to be by His grace; therefore let us pray for grace, and there is plenty of grace available (2 Corinthians 9:8). In 1 Chronicles 4:9 there is the hint of a possible reason why Jabez needed special grace, for his name means...

Study 4A..we read of Jabez who was a man of prayer. There is no doubt at all that he prayed for others, but the particular emphasis that is made in these two verses is that he prayed for himself.

@Livingwater Study 4 THE PRAYER FOR TRUE PROSPERITY GREAT PRAYERS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Scripture Portion: 1 Chronicles 4: 9-10 In 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 we read of Jabez who was a man of prayer. There is no doubt at all that he prayed for others, but the particular emphasis that is made in these two verses is that he prayed for himself. It is not selfish to pray for ourselves, for it is only as we are blessed that we can be made a blessing to others. It was when Jabez prayed for true prosperity, and the Lord answered that prayer, that he could be made a great blessing to other people. A careful study of the prayer of Jabez shows us that it contained four characteristics. (1) Jabez prayed intelligently. We are told that he “”cried out to the God of Israel”” –- that is to say, the Covenant God, the true and living God. It is quite evident that Jabez had been instructed in the school of prayer, and therefore his prayer was informed and intelligent. Very much prayer is unintelligent ...

Study3B..When Samuel lay down he expected that the Lord would say something to him. When you go to the House of God do you expect to hear the Lord’’s voice?

@Livingwater Study3B..The Assurance that God will speak 1chronicle4:9-10 A Christ follower should spend daily time reading the Bible, mulling over the message, and praying for ways to make scripture’s lessons into a lifestyle. Setting aside time for reading and reflection immerses a Christ follower in God’s purposes and nature. By adding prayer for others and himself to this daily quiet time, the Christian will find it easier to turn away from their own self-focused desires, and advance God’s priorities to first place. 3 . In this prayer we see the expectation that God will speak. When Samuel lay down he expected that the Lord would say something to him. When you go to the House of God do you expect to hear the Lord’’s voice? Do you say, in the words of David –- look up Psalm 85:8? If you are expecting God to speak to you, you can be quite sure that He will not disappoint you. If you need guidance He will give it (Proverbs 3:5-6); if you need comfort, He will supply it (Isaiah...

Study 3A..It was a tremendous experience for Samuel when the Lord spoke to him and when he was led humbly to pray, ““Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening”

@Livingwater Study 3A.. THE PRAYER FOR GOD TO SPEAK GREAT PRAYERS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Scripture Portion: 1 Samuel 3: 3-10 It was a tremendous experience for Samuel when the Lord spoke to him and when he was led humbly to pray, ““Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening”” (verse 9). It is also a tremendous experience for us when we meet together with other Christians for worship, or when we come alone before God at the Throne of Grace. At such times there is a two-way traffic of words: first, we speak to the Lord and our hearts go out to Him in adoration, praise and thanksgiving. This worshipping of the Lord is the quiet and humble expression of our hearts as we sit in His presence and meditate upon His love and goodness. But not only do we speak to the Lord, the wonderful thing is that He speaks to us! –- look up Acts 10:33. Whenever we draw near to God He speaks to us. To place the whole matter in right perspective, it is God who first speaks to us. He takes the initiative,...