
Showing posts from January 29, 2018

Study 6B...the power of death and life is right there on our tongue.

@Livingwater Study 6B .Tongue We will be checking on the wrong and right use of our tongue,the power of death and life is right there on our tongue. 1 . THE WRONG USE OF THE TONGUE (1) Blaming God when tempted to do wrong (James 1:13-14). God never tempts us to sin; temptation arises when a man is lured away by his own lust. (2) Speaking hypocritically (James 1:26). It is easy to do this, and what a terrible statement about this very thing is found in Titus 1:16! (3) Expressing discrimination between rich and poor fellow-believers (James 2:1-4). Discrimination between people’’s colour, background, race and status in life can be thoroughly un-Christian. (4) Speaking unsympathetically to those in need (James 2:15-16). With so much poverty in our world, we need to search our hearts. (5) Boasting and flattering, thus causing a destructive fire (James 3:5). Just one word can cause a family upset or division in a church; see James 3:14. (6) Grumbling against each other (James 4:...

Study6A...What a vital subject this is, and how much we need to take note of the teaching of God’’s Word about the right and the wrong use of the tongue! ...Tongue

@Livingwater Study 6A THE RIGHT AND WRONG USE OF THE TONGUE THE LETTER OF JAMES Scripture Portion: James 3:1-12 It was the late Canon Guy King who used to say that the subject expounded in James 3:1-12 was in everybody’’s mouth! What a vital subject this is, and how much we need to take note of the teaching of God’’s Word about the right and the wrong use of the tongue! The fact is that our tongues may be used helpfully, for the glory of God and for the blessing of others; or they may be misused, bringing sorrow and tears to others, and in the process hindering the testimony of the Lord. The fact that throughout his letter James has much to say about this matter suggests that those he had in mind were guilty of committing what Matthew Henry calls ‘’tongue sins’’. So James shows us very pointedly that the tongue of a Christian is the indicator of that Christian’s spiritual health. Our speech reveals what kind of a Christian we are. In order to emphasise this fact James uses thre...