Study 6B...the power of death and life is right there on our tongue.
@Livingwater Study 6B .Tongue We will be checking on the wrong and right use of our tongue,the power of death and life is right there on our tongue. 1 . THE WRONG USE OF THE TONGUE (1) Blaming God when tempted to do wrong (James 1:13-14). God never tempts us to sin; temptation arises when a man is lured away by his own lust. (2) Speaking hypocritically (James 1:26). It is easy to do this, and what a terrible statement about this very thing is found in Titus 1:16! (3) Expressing discrimination between rich and poor fellow-believers (James 2:1-4). Discrimination between people’s colour, background, race and status in life can be thoroughly un-Christian. (4) Speaking unsympathetically to those in need (James 2:15-16). With so much poverty in our world, we need to search our hearts. (5) Boasting and flattering, thus causing a destructive fire (James 3:5). Just one word can cause a family upset or division in a church; see James 3:14. (6) Grumbling against each other (James 4:...