LW: The most joyful people in the world are those who are constantly seeking to keep God’s commandments and please Him
@Livingwater Study 3B THE REWARD FOR OBEDIENCE (Scripture Portion: Psalm 19) 2 . What are the rewards God promises to the man or woman who will keep His commandments? 1. LONG LIFE. Can obedience affect one’s length of days? Look up Deuteronomy 32:46-47; Proverbs 3:1-2. As a general principle, if we will seek to live in the will of God and obey His laws, then our days will be lengthened; but if we break His laws by living careless, intemperate, self-led lives, then our days may be shortened. 2. PROTECTION. There is a wonderful promise in Ecclesiastes 8:5 – look it up! Does it mean that nothing will “go wrong” if we obey God? It means that Romans 8:28 will be fulfilled in our experience. Sorrow, trials and testings will come, but as they come from Him they will never be “evil”, always “good” (Deuteronomy 23:5). 3. GLADNESS. Read Nehemiah 8:13-17, and notice the last words in verse 17. The most joyful people in the world are those who are constantly seeking to keep God’s commandme...