
Showing posts from April 29, 2019

LW: The most joyful people in the world are those who are constantly seeking to keep God’s commandments and please Him

@Livingwater Study 3B THE REWARD FOR OBEDIENCE (Scripture Portion: Psalm 19) 2 . What are the rewards God promises to the man or woman who will keep His commandments? 1. LONG LIFE. Can obedience affect one’s length of days? Look up Deuteronomy 32:46-47; Proverbs 3:1-2. As a general principle, if we will seek to live in the will of God and obey His laws, then our days will be lengthened; but if we break His laws by living careless, intemperate, self-led lives, then our days may be shortened. 2. PROTECTION. There is a wonderful promise in Ecclesiastes 8:5 – look it up! Does it mean that nothing will “go wrong” if we obey God? It means that Romans 8:28 will be fulfilled in our experience. Sorrow, trials and testings will come, but as they come from Him they will never be “evil”, always “good” (Deuteronomy 23:5). 3. GLADNESS. Read Nehemiah 8:13-17, and notice the last words in verse 17. The most joyful people in the world are those who are constantly seeking to keep God’s commandme...

LW: “Prevention is better than cure”, and God seeks to prevent us from sinning and grieving Him by giving us His commandments.

@Livingwater Study 3A THE REWARD FOR OBEDIENCE (Scripture Portion: Psalm 19) The key-words of this study are in Psalm 19:11 – “In keeping them there is great reward.” In this simple statement the psalmist tells us that there is a reward for obedience. Some of God’s children are disobedient, (in fact, we all are at times); but when we obey Him the Lord promises us a “great” reward. The reference is not primarily to future rewards which we shall receive at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10), but to rewards we receive here and now. One day we must all appear before the Lord to be rewarded, or to suffer loss, according to the way we have lived and laboured for Him (1 Corinthians 3:9-15), but Psalm 19 is speaking of a reward for obedience which is to be received and enjoyed here and now. Notice the words “in” and “is”; that means that in the actual process of doing God’s will and keeping His commandments there is great reward. 1 . Before we think about the rewards that Go...