
Showing posts from January 3, 2018

Study 6B..In his endeavours and longing to be united with his bride he tried the door, only to find it was locked; so he put his hand through the keyhole. She saw this, but she did not at once rise to unbolt the door and let him in, and while she delayed, and because he would not force an entrance, he left.

@Livingwater Study 6B spiritual apathy Song of songs 5:2-8 The part A of this study told us vividly the negligence of the woman which make her to lose her lover,though she later searched for Him,but was not an easy task we will be focussing on the remaining part of the study,which will entails the recovery of her lover and also what she really passed through. God bless you as you study. 4 . THE RECOVERY SHE SOUGHT We get this in verses 4 and 5. A marvellous thing happened. Notice what the bridegroom did, in verse 4. In his endeavours and longing to be united with his bride he tried the door, only to find it was locked; so he put his hand through the keyhole. She saw this, but she did not at once rise to unbolt the door and let him in, and while she delayed, and because he would not force an entrance, he left. She was then overcome with contrition and sorrow, and she rose up to open the door. It seems from verse 5 that she hesitated because she wanted to anoint herself with oint...

Study 6A ...This section in the Song of Songs tells us how the bride, on account of apathy and neglect, lost fellowship with her bridegroom. The bride loved, and certainly belonged to, her bridegroom...peril of spiritual apathy.

@Livingwater Study 6A THE PERIL OF SPIRITUAL APATHY THE SONG OF SOLOMON Key-verse: ““I slept but my heart was awake:……I opened for my lover, but my lover had left; he was gone…”…” (Song of Songs 5:2-8) This section in the Song of Songs tells us how the bride, on account of apathy and neglect, lost fellowship with her bridegroom. The bride loved, and certainly belonged to, her bridegroom. That relationship could never change, but for the time being she was out of touch with him. This was due to her apathy, to her neglect of him, to her lazy carelessness. She reached a point where she sought him, ““but my lover had left, he was gone””. It was not his fault that fellowship was broken, but hers, and yet she had not intended it. She had just been careless and neglectful, she had perhaps taken his love for granted, and she had become self-occupied. It was not that she had been unfaithful and had lived as a prostitute (Jeremiah 3:1); it was not due to any wilful sin (Hebrews 10:26); it...

Study 5B...“But the fruit of the (Holy) Spirit, [the work which His presence within accomplishes] –- is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness; (Meekness, humility) gentleness, self-control (self-restraint, continence).””

@Livingwater Study 5B The little foxes Song of song 2:15 4 . THE FRUIT WE ARE TO BEAR IS “ ”THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT ”” This is not “”the fruit of the spirit”” (small ‘s’), but “”the fruit of the Spirit”” (large ‘S’) – Galatians 5:22-23 which, in the Amplified Bible, reads – – ““But the fruit of the (Holy) Spirit, [the work which His presence within accomplishes] –- is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness; (Meekness, humility) gentleness, self-control (self-restraint, continence).”” These verses give us a vivid picture of the Christian life as our Lord intended it should be. We should be loving, joyful, restful, patient, kind, good, trustworthy, humble and disciplined. This is the fruit we should be bearing. These are the graces which should characterise us as Christians. Now notice the next point. ” 5 . THE “ ”LITTLE FOXES THAT RUIN THE VINEYARDS”” , THAT HINDER THE GROWTH AND TAKE AWAY THE TENDER ...

Study 5A. You did not choose me, but I have chosen you and appointed you to go and bear fruit –- fruit that will last””, and it would seem most appropriate to set the key-verse of this study against this one great declaration of our Lord....Little foxes

@Livingwater Study 5A  THE LITTLE FOXES THAT SPOIL THE VINES THE SONG OF SOLOMON Wishing you a prosperous year....... Key-verse: “”Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom”” (Song of Songs 2:15) There is one verse in the Gospel of John which tells us of the Lord’’s purpose for every one of His children. That verse is John 15:16, which contains the word of Jesus Himself – – “You did not choose me, but I have chosen you and appointed you to go and bear fruit –- fruit that will last””, and it would seem most appropriate to set the key-verse of this study against this one great declaration of our Lord. To do this will enable us to learn some lessons about fruitfulness in Christian living and in Christian service. Consider the following sequence of teaching:- ” 1 . TO BEGIN WITH , WE SEE THAT JESUS HIMSELF IS ““ THE TRUE VINE” ” We are sure of this because we are told in John 15:1 that He said of Himself, ““I am the tr...