
Showing posts from February 12, 2019

LW: the Holy Spirit even uses the Devil’’s efforts to accomplish His purposes, and His primary purpose is always the salvation of souls.Learn from bar Jesus,the sorcerer

@Livingwater Study 5B THE SEVEN-FOLD MINISTRY OF THE SPIRIT DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: Acts 13:1-13) While every member of the body of Christ has some gift, some are called by the Holy Spirit and set aside for specific ministry –- which is always missionary in its emphasis. In verse 2 we read that “”the Holy Spirit said…”…” – and the whole object of the Holy Spirit’s calling of these two men was that of evangelism. He still calls men and women in the same way today. His call must always precede our going. 2 . The Second Act of the Holy Spirit is to give gifts to the Church . Verse 1 tells us that in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers, but many other gifts were operative as well. There is no such thing as ‘a one-man ministry’. In every true church initiated by and administrated by the Holy Spirit many gifts are in operation. One man, or several, may be set aside for the position of leadership, ministry and pastoral oversight, but this doe...

LW: In every true church initiated by and administrated by the Holy Spirit many gifts are in operation.

@Livingwater Study 5A THE SEVEN-FOLD MINISTRY OF THE SPIRIT DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: Acts 13:1-13) In this study we consider Acts 13:1-13, where we have a seven-fold picture of the work of the Holy Spirit in the church, the body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23), of which all believers are members. The Book of Acts is rightly ‘‘The Acts of the Holy Spirit’’; that is, His activity in and through the church. In the four Gospels we see Him operating through the perfect human body of the Lord Jesus; in Acts, however, we see Him working through the mystical body of Christ –- the church. In the Gospels we have the record of “”all that Jesus began to do and to teach”” (Acts 1:1) during the three years of His public ministry; but the Acts records all that He continued to do from the throne, by the Holy Spirit, through the church. 1 . The First Act of the Holy Spirit is to initiate or form the Church . Notice the words in verse 1 –- ““the church at Antioch…”…” How did t...