Study10A..But sometimes trouble comes upon us because of our own foolishness and sin. This was so in the case of Jonah. The story is moving and heart-breaking, ...think about it.
@Livingwater Study 10A THE PRAYER FOR DELIVERANCE FROM TROUBLE GREAT PRAYERS IN THE OLD TESTAMENT Scripture Portion: Jonah 2: 1-9 The key verse to this concluding study in our series is Jonah 2:1. In chapter 1 we read the sad record of the prophet’s disobedience and doubt, and of the consequent trouble that befell him. It was after this, and only when he was in real trouble, that he prayed. We all experience trouble, and the fact that we are Christians does not give us any immunity from trouble. Indeed, the fact that we are Christians ensures trouble, as we learn from Philippians 1:29; Hebrews 12:5-12; 1 Peter 1:7. But sometimes trouble comes upon us because of our own foolishness and sin. This was so in the case of Jonah. The story is moving and heart-breaking, but also challenging and very practical in its application to us. Notice first of all:- 1 . Jonah’ s great trouble Read through chapter 1 carefully and notice how Jonah’s trouble increased with mounting intensity, ...