
Showing posts from June 16, 2018

Study10B..Elisha seems fully confident that the waters will part. And when they do, he does not hesitate, but walks across on dry land. Elisha's question is not a question at all but an exclamation of faith.

@Livingwater Stidy10B.. ELIJAH’’ S GOD IS OUR GOD 2king2:14-17 Luke9:28-36 But not so with Elisha. He rolls the mantle and asks the question as he's striking the water. Elisha seems fully confident that the waters will part. And when they do, he does not hesitate, but walks across on dry land. Elisha's question is not a question at all but an exclamation of faith. The last point is 2 . ELIJAH’’ S GOD IS OUR GOD : When do we especially need to be reminded of this? When we have experienced the sorrow of separation and bereavement. Elisha knew Elijah was to leave him, but that did not lessen the blow when it actually happened. When bereavement comes to us, perhaps more than at any other time, we need to experience the power, presence and sufficiency of our God. Elijah’’s God, the mighty, comforting God, is our God. When we are about to undertake some new responsibility in service. Elisha was now commencing his ministry as Elijah’’s successor; the responsibility was grea...

Study10A...Now Elijah had gone, and one question burned in Elisha’’s mind as he took up Elijah’’s mantle and walked to the bank of Jordan –- ““Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?””

@Livingwater Study 10A WHERE NOW IS THE LORD,THE GOD OF ELIJAH ? (Scripture Portions: 2 Kings 2: 14-17; Luke 9: 28-36) Elisha was Elijah’’s successor. For nine years he had understudied and worked with his master. Now Elijah had gone, and one question burned in Elisha’’s mind as he took up Elijah’’s mantle and walked to the bank of Jordan –- ““Where now is the Lord, the God of Elijah?”” (2 Kings 2:14). “Is Elijah’’s God with me, and is He still the same? That is the one thing that matters!” To seek positive evidence that God was with him, Elisha struck the waters with the mantle –- and immediately they were divided (v.14), and the onlookers saw the power of God (v.15). God was indeed with Elisha! What is the lesson for us? God is still the same, His power is undiminished. His servants may die, times may change, but He remains! He is our God, with us today –- look up Hebrews 13:8. 1 . ELIJAH’’ S GOD IS OUR GOD : What does this mean in a practical sense ? It means that the Lord G...