LW: “If we worry we do not trust; if we trust we do not worry”.
@Livingwater Study 6B THE CONQUEST OF WORRY Key Verse: “Who are you that you fear mortal men…
that you live in constant terror every day…
because of the wrath of the oppressor?” (Isaiah 51:12-13) 2 . WHY IS IT FOOLISH FOR A CHRISTIAN TO WORRY? It is foolish to worry when we consider that the thing we are worrying about may never happen. But supposing it does happen? What then? It is still foolish, for the following reasons: 1. It is foolish because we gain absolutely nothing by worrying. Can you think of any possible gain? Of course, if in the goodness of God we have sought and found deliverance from worry, we are qualified to help others to seek and find similar deliverance, but apart from this reflex benefit there is absolutely no direct value in worrying at all. 2. It is foolish because if we have worried we are less ready to meet the experiences of life when they do come. We are less fortified to meet the crises of life if worry has already exhausted us, for it dissipates...