
Showing posts from January 6, 2018

Study 8B...In any true marriage the bridegroom and the bride give themselves to each other, unreservedly and for ever; and in this holy relationship of the saved sinner and the Saviour it is the same.

@Livingwater Study 8B...He is mine. Song of song 6:2 In any true marriage the bridegroom and the bride give themselves to each other, unreservedly and for ever; and in this holy relationship of the saved sinner and the Saviour it is the same. It is not only true that I am His, but it is also gloriously true that He is mine; therefore I can be sure about three things:- (1) He is mine –- then how Safe I am! If I am His and He is mine, I must be absolutely secure for time and for eternity. This is an indissoluble union. No man, devil or angel can interfere with it or break it –- look up John 10:28-29, and compare Colossians 3:3 and Romans 8:35-39. Just as an earthly bridegroom willingly and gladly assumes the responsibility for the safe keeping of his bride, so does our Heavenly Bridegroom guarantee our protection for time and for eternity. (2) He is mine –- then how Rich I am! Think how rich the Lord Jesus is – and He is mine! In an earthly marriage the bridegroom endows his br...

Study 8A..Every real Christian can say, ‘”I am my lover’’s and my lover is mine.”” In this beautiful and inspired love story the Lord Jesus is presented as the Divine lover and the Church as His bride.

@Livingwater Study 8A  I AM HIS, AND HE IS MINE THE SONG OF SOLOMON Key-verse: ““I am my lover’’s and my lover is mine”” (Song of Songs 6:3) These nine words in the Song of Songs 6:3 sum up the message and theme of the whole book. They constitute the personal testimony of the bride, and therefore of the Church and of every individual believer. Every real Christian can say, ‘”I am my lover’’s and my lover is mine.”” In this beautiful and inspired love story the Lord Jesus is presented as the Divine lover and the Church as His bride. He is spoken of over and over again as “the Lover”, and the one glorious truth which is emphasised in our key-verse is the truth of our union with Christ and His union with us. Notice, concerning this union, that:- (1) It is a Present experience –- “”I am my lover’’s and my lover is mine.”” This is something that is true now of every believer. (2) It is a Personal experience –- ““I am my lover’’s and my lover is mine.”” There are four pronouns...

Study 7B. ...The daughters of Jerusalem, astonished at her anxiety, ask the question in Song of Songs 5:9; and in answer to this challenge the bride begins to describe her bridegroom.

@Livingwater Study 7B Christ's Love Song of song 5:16 This is the concluding part of the study7A.God bless you as you study What are the peculiarities of Christ?..... 4 . THE ATTRACTIVENESS AND THE BEAUTY OF HIS FACE Verse 13 tells us that ““His cheeks are like beds of spice yielding perfume.”” His face is like a beautifully laid out flower garden with that fragrant smell. The unsaved see no beauty in Him (Isaiah 53:2), but how beautiful He is to those who love Him and belong to Him! ” 5 . THE PURE AND TENDER EXPRESSIONS OF HIS LOVE AND GRACE In verse 13 we read: ““His lips (are) like lilies, dripping with myrrh.”” The bride here is speaking of the purity and tenderness of her lover’’s kisses. These kisses speak to us of those times when our Lord draws near to us and in the secret intimacy of fellowship we are bathed in His love and sustained by His grace (John 14:23); compare 2 Corinthians 12:9. ” 6 . THE SKILFULNESS OF HIS GUARDING , HIS GUIDING AND HIS PROVIDING I...

Study 7A...It is important to remember that the theme of this Song is the love of Jesus for His own, the love of the Bridegroom for His bride, the love of the Shepherd for His sheep, the love of the King for His queen. ..loveliness if christ

@Livingwater Study 7A THE LOVELINESS OF CHRIST THE SONG OF SOLOMON Key-verse: “”He is altogether lovely”” (Song of Songs 5:16) It is important to remember that the theme of this Song is the love of Jesus for His own, the love of the Bridegroom for His bride, the love of the Shepherd for His sheep, the love of the King for His queen. T we find here all the mysteries of love tenderly expressed in terms of glowing affection, as the Lord Jesus reveals Himself as the Bridegroom, the Lover, the outstanding one among ten thousand, the altogether Lovely One – look up Song of Songs 5:9-16. With this in mind notice that this chapter contains a conversation between the bride and the daughters of Jerusalem. She tells how through her laziness she had turned her bridegroom away from the door. He had been on a journey, and when he returned late at night she had been too lazy to open to him, and when at last she did open the door he had gone. The daughters of Jerusalem, astonished at her anxi...