LW:Why a table? In the east, the pastureland is so covered with insects and harmful creatures that the shepherd used to place the food for his flock on little raised “tables” to enable them to feed safely in the presence of these “enemies”
@Livingwater Study 4B THE SWEETEST PSALM OF ALL (Scripture Portion: Psalm 23) #If the Lord is my Shepherd, verse 2 describes the POSITION into which I am brought . It is one of complete satisfaction. What is the secret of this satisfaction? 1. The sheep are fully satisfied because the Shepherd provides perfect conditions for them. Green pastures and still waters. Perfect rest and refreshment! Notice that the sheep lie down, something a sheep will never do while it is hungry. Here, then, is perfect satisfaction. Are you fully satisfied with Jesus? 2. The sheep are fully satisfied because the Shepherd is in full control of them. “He makes me to lie down
…He leads me…
” By nature we are foolish, wandering sheep (Isaiah 53:6), but if the Lord is our shepherd He assumes full responsibility for us; He gently makes us to lie down and He leads us in the way of His gracious provision. This is the secret of a fully satisfied life. It is not only the Shepherd’s provision that satisfies...