Total victory is part of finishedworks of christ on the cross,when He said it is finished,it means ...... All is done . Prerequisite for victoy
1 JOHN 5:1, 4 NIV – EVERYONE WHO BELIEVES THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST IS BORN OF GOD, AND EVERYONE WHO LOVES THE FATHER LOVES HIS CHILD AS WELL. [4] FOR EVERYONE BORN OF GOD OVERCOMES THE WORLD. MESSAGE: This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Total Victory has been declared in this year 2017, it’s a prophetic declaration emphasizing what is already done. Total victory is part of the finished works of Christ on the cross. When he said ‘it is finished’ it means everything that needs to be done is finished which includes your victory over sin and all the consequences of sin. Poverty, sickness, diseases, calamities, plagues, spiritual and physical death, barrenness and any other thing that you can think of that does not conform to the good plans of God for your life. The Bible says for this cause the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy all the works of the devil. So the prophetic declaration concerning your total victory this year does not mean...