LW:The cross to Him was the token of God’s will for Him, and He gloried in doing the will of His Father
@Livingwater Study 7B THE MARKS OF THE LORD JESUS Key Verse: “For I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.” (Galatians 6:17) This descriptive passage of scripture explains the marks on Paul’s body - the brand-marks of the Lord Jesus. Do they not put us to shame? Most of us want to be popular Christians, and we know little of suffering for Christ’s sake. Let us remember those in many lands today who are suffering much at the hands of men and who are, for their Lord’s sake, bearing in their body the marks of the Lord Jesus. And let us pray that should we ever be called upon to suffer shame for His name we may be given grace to be faithful even to the point of death (Revelation 2:10). 2 . THE SPIRITUAL APPLICATION OF THE APOSTLE ’ S STATEMENT The description of Paul’s suffering does not apply to many of us, but there is a spiritual application which applies to all who name the name of Christ. Just as those physical marks branded Paul as one of Christ’s slaves, as His property, as...