
Showing posts from June 9, 2018

Study 8B..God will yet vindicate His people and mete out judgment to those who have rebelled against Him, rejected His word and refused to humble themselves before Him

@Livingwater Study8B... Naboth ,the man of focus.. 1king 21:1-29,2king9:30-37 We have been discussing Naboth faithful habit and Ahab cunningness and covetousness,then we will be looking into Jezebel's part in this play and also how God took over through His faithful servant,Elijah...please,allow holy spirit to minister to even as you're this short message... 3 . JEZEBEL ’’ S SINISTER PLOT We see this in verses 5-14. Jezebel is one of the most sinister figures in the Bible. She not only wrought great evil, but she influenced Ahab to do evil. See how she acted when she heard of Naboth’’s refusal. She replied with a stinging taunt (verse 7); she resorted to forgery (verse 8).let check her reward quickly...  4 . GOD ’’ S SOVEREIGN ACTION Ahab and Jezebel had defied the Lord, but they could not get away with it, for He is sovereign in the affairs of mankind and He always has the last word. Now He acted – – and take note of this solemn record, for this God is the God with ...

Study 8A...The vineyard, part of his inherited property, had belonged to his ancestors for many generations, so how could he sell it? But it was not simply a matter of sentiment –- your Christian life is a vineyard, don't negotiate it with the devil

@Livingwater Study 8 THE STORY OF NABOTH’S VINEYARD (Scripture Portions: 1 Kings 21: 1-29; 2 Kings 9: 30-37) This solemn story reveals two things of which we need to be reminded constantly, which are always true but which we so quickly forget: first, that God is sovereign, all-powerful and infinitely holy, and that He hates sin (Romans 1:18); and second , that man is wicked, wilful and deserving of God’’s wrath (Colossians 3:5-6). As you read 1 Kings 21, ask yourself: What does this chapter tell me about God and about men and women? Five personalities are brought before us in this story, and notice how each of them acted in this terrible drama. 1 . AHAB ’’ S SELFISH DEMAND Verses 1 and 2. Ahab, King of Israel, was very wealthy, but all his possessions did not satisfy him and he coveted the vineyard which belonged to Naboth. He offered to exchange or buy it, but to his surprise and anger Naboth refused –- see verse 3. So what did Ahab do? Verse 4: what a picture it is –- a king su...