LW:“Whatever He says, however contrary it may seem to your ideas, do it!” How can she be so confident? Because He was, and is, unique. He is the Son of God.
@Livingwater Study 3B DOING WHATEVER HE SAYS Key Verse: “Do whatever he tells you.” (John 2:5) 2 . Consider the fact that all that the Lord says to us has a three- fold relationship . In that it touches God, it is for His glory; in that it touches me, it is for my good; and in that it touches others, it is for their good. 1. When the Lord Jesus said, “Fill…
(verses 7 and 8), it was for His glory. Verse 11 tells us this, and we can be sure that whenever He speaks to us about something in our life, something He wants us to be, to do or to say, it is always for His glory. In other words, to listen to what He says and to render Him full obedience will always glorify Him. 2. When the Lord Jesus said, “Fill…
(verses 7 and 8), it was for their (the servants’) good. How do we know? Because in verse 9 we are told that while the governor and the guests did not know about the miracle, the servants did. Is it not most likely that having seen the miracle th...