
Showing posts from March 4, 2019

LW:Heaven is the Home of Heaven’s people. Are you one of Heaven’s people?

@Livingwater Study 10B OUR HEAVENLY HOME DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: John 14:1-15) In John 14:2-3 our Lord tells us three simple facts about Heaven: 1 . HEAVEN IS A PLACE Heaven has locality, it has situation –- just as London and New York have –- and just as Hell has location –- Revelation 1:18. The Lord Jesus said, “”I am going there to prepare a place for you…”…”, and that place He described as His ‘’Father’s house’’ in which are ‘’many rooms’’ , or abiding places. Yes, Heaven is real! Where is Heaven? Look up Acts 1:9-11, and compare Acts 7:55. What kind of place is it? It is a place of eternal joy and blessedness. This fact is not only emphasised in the Bible by the description we are given of the glories and beauties of Heaven, but by what will be missing in Heaven! In Heaven there is no sin (Revelation 21:27), no sorrow or death (Revelation 21:4), no mourning and no night (Revelation 21:25); no separation (Revelation 21:1); no tears (Revelation 7:17)...

LW: This is the Christian’s sure confidence, that when we say goodbye to our brothers and sisters in Christ down here we shall meet them again up there

@Livingwater Study 10A OUR HEAVENLY HOME DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: John 14:1-15) This concluding study will appeal to every child of God. While we are down here upon the earth we may experience heavenly joy and peace in our hearts, as our Saviour walks and talks with us (Hebrews 13:5-6); but we are not destined to live down here for ever. We are bound for our heavenly Home! The Bible does not tell us too much about Heaven, but just enough to thrill our hearts as we think of the bliss and glory shared by all whose Home it is. Shortly before our Lord Jesus went to the cross of Calvary to die for us He gave to His first disciples (and to us) a very wonderful promise –- John 14:2-3. It is upon this promise that we base our confidence that Heaven is our Home. There are three significant reasons why every Christian should be helped and encouraged by a meditation upon the subject of Heaven: First: because we are most surely going to Heaven! Every truly born again ...

LW: Do you realise what a large proportion of the prophecies of the Old Testament are taken up with the final triumph of Christ and of His reign?

@Livingwater Study 9B THE CHRISTIAN’’S BLESSED HOPE DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: Titus 2:1-15) Think of it this way: Every Christian is going to Heaven, but how are we to get there? The souls of the “”dead in Christ”” are already with Christ, “”which is far better”” (Philippians 1:23); but we are not going to spend eternity as disembodied spirits (2 Corinthians 5:3); one day we shall have a new body like His. But how and when will this take place? The answer is –- at His coming again! 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 makes it clear that the resurrection of “the dead in Christ” and the transformation and translation of all living believers will take place at the second coming.below are the remaining reason why we should be familiar with His coming. 2 . Second, because this subject relates to every believer . 3 . Third , because this subject dominates biblical revelation . 4 . Fourth , because this subject affects Christian character and conduct . 5 . Fifth , because th...

LW: If we acknowledge the authority of the Bible we must be convinced about the fact of His return,

@Livingwater Study 9A THE CHRISTIAN’’S BLESSED HOPE DAYS OF HEAVEN UPON EARTH (Scripture Portion: Titus 2:1-15) The Christian’’s ‘‘blessed hope’’ is referred to in Titus 2:13: it is the imminent, personal and (I believe) pre-Millennial return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The word ‘‘hope’’ in the New Testament does not imply uncertainty, as when we say, ‘‘I hope so!’’ The Greek word means ‘’a joyful and confident expectation’’, and this hope is joyful and confident because it is based upon the promise of our Lord (John 14:3). All the signs point to the fact that the Lord’’s coming is imminent; the scriptures clearly predict that His coming will be pre-Millennial –- that is, that He must come before there can be any Millennium. This is a thrilling subject, yet there are many Christians who, through ignorance of the scriptures or prejudice, are not expecting and looking for the return of the Lord. Let us consider some reasons why every Christian should be familiar with the ...