Study1B...He alternately demonstrates victory and defeat, followed by recovery. Elijah knew both the power of God and the depths of depression.
@Livingwater Study1B...Elijah,A man like us... (Scripture Portions: 1 Kings 16: 28-34; 17:1; James 5: 17-18) Elijah’s ministry marked the beginning of the end of Baal worship in Israel. Elijah’s life was filled with turmoil. At times he was bold and decisive, and at other times fearful and tentative. He alternately demonstrates victory and defeat, followed by recovery. Elijah knew both the power of God and the depths of depression. Below are the remaining peculiarities of Elijah.... 3 . ELIJAH LIVED IN A DAY OF SPIRITUAL DECLENSION AND APOSTASY A succession of seven wicked kings had reigned over Israel: (1) Jeroboam (1 Kings 12:28-33); (2) Nadab (15:25-26); (3) Baasha (15:27-28); (4) Elah , a drunkard and a murderer (16:8-9); (5) Zimri, guilty of treason (16:20); (6) Omri (16:25-26); and (7) Ahab (16:28-33), with whom must be linked his notoriously wicked wife Jezebel. Worship of the true God had all but ceased; Baal-worship had become the national religion. Only 7000 Israeli...