
Showing posts from June 26, 2018

Study3B..If we will regularly meditate we will never get bitter when God’’s hand is resting heavily upon us, or upon our loved ones or friends because we shall be able to say –- look up Job 23:10; and we shall appreciate the truth of Psalm 37:23-24 and will be able to rest quietly upon John 13:7.

@Livingwater Study3B...Benefit of meditation in His word Psalm 119:48..Joshua1:8 See what Psalm 19:7 says. This means that when the truth of God is applied to our life, it is so powerful that it turns our life away from all that is displeasing to the Lord, and turns it to the Lord Himself. It changes our lives right round. How is it that some Christians are only ““half-committed””?LOW OR NO MEDITATION IN HIS WORD. We were able to  one point in the last part,we take the lead from there, 2 . We shall find the secret of living peacefully in a chaotic world . Notice the word ““steadfast”” in Isaiah 26:3. It refers to a quiet, unhurried, relaxed waiting in the presence of God until our minds become stabilised with His truth. Everywhere there is fear and there are alarms. Sin abounds and God’’s judgments are surely near. All this is foretold in God’’s Word; but in that same Word we find confidence in the knowledge that God is working out His purpose for the world, the Jews and fo...

Study 3A..the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to us, we hear His voice, and receive new life and vitality from Him, who is our life (Colossians 3:4).

@Livingwater Study 3A THE GREAT BENEFITS OF MEDITATION TEN STUDIES IN PSALM 119 Key-verse: ““I meditate on your decrees.”” (Psalm 119:48) Many times in Psalm 119 the writer refers to meditating in God’’s Word (verses 15, 23, 48, 97, 99 and 148. There are other references in Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:1-3; Psalm 63:5-6 (KJV) and 1 Timothy 4:15 (KJV), and these all show us: first, that we should cultivate the habit of meditation; and second, that the range of our meditation is to be the whole Bible, the whole range of revealed truth from Genesis to Revelation. We are not only to receive God’’s Word with humility (James 1:21); to let God’’s Word dwell in us richly (Colossians 3:16); to keep God’’s Word tenaciously (John 17:6); to continue in God’’s Word untiringly (John 8:31); to live out God’’s Word boldly (Philippians 2:16); but in addition to all this we are to meditate on it prayerfully and regularly, and this will require:- 1. Quietness. To meditate we must be alone. 2. Time. We mus...