LW: When we worry we play right into his hands, and for this reason, if for no other, it is a sin to worry.
@Livingwater Study 6A THE CONQUEST OF WORRY Key Verse: “Who are you that you fear mortal men…
that you live in constant terror every day…
because of the wrath of the oppressor?” (Isaiah 51:12-13) This study is a very simple one, but its aim is to deliver a death-blow at this terrible oppressor called Worry. A modern writer has entitled his best-selling book, “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” - and we might well take that for the title of this present Bible study. But do we need such a study? Yes, for most of us worry either about something that happened yesterday, something that is almost certainly going to happen today, or something that may or may not happen tomorrow - and yet it is still perfectly true that – “If we worry we do not trust; if we trust we do not worry”. With our Bible open before us, let us emphasise two main truths: it is both sinful and foolish for a Christian to worry. 1 . WHY IS IT SINFUL FOR A CHRISTIAN TO WORRY? 1. It is sinful because ...