
Showing posts from October 5, 2017

Study 8 what does church has to do with tribulation

@Livingwater Study 8 THE CHURCH AND THE TRIBULATION In our last study we saw that the Great Tribulation, as foretold in scripture, is a period of unparalleled trouble that is coming upon the earth when God’s judgments will be outpoured. Where will the Church be when this terrible time is ushered in? We believe the Church will be removed from the earth before the Great Tribulation begins, for Jesus will have come and gathered His own to Himself –- according to John 14:3. What are our grounds for believing this? 1 . When we consider the nature of the Church , her calling and election, her place in the divine programme and her relationship to Christ , surely the Church cannot go through the Great Tribulation. The Church is a “called-out” company of believers, of Jews and Gentiles from every nation under Heaven –- look up Acts 15:14. The place of the Church in the divine programme is in the nature of a parenthesis, and that parenthesis ends with the “mystery” of the Rapture (1 Cori...