Total victory is part of finishedworks of christ on the cross,when He said it is finished,it means ...... All is done . Prerequisite for victoy


 This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
Total Victory has been declared in this year 2017, it’s a prophetic declaration emphasizing what is already done. Total victory is part of the finished works of Christ on the cross. When he said ‘it is finished’ it means everything that needs to be done is finished which includes your victory over sin and all the consequences of sin. Poverty, sickness, diseases, calamities, plagues, spiritual and physical death, barrenness and any other thing that you can think of that does not conform to the good plans of God for your life.
The Bible says for this cause the son of God was manifested, that he might destroy all the works of the devil. So the prophetic declaration concerning your total victory this year does not mean you are just about to get the victory but a charge to propel you to actualize and walk in the victory that Christ already acquired for you when you have accepted him into your life. So what I will be talking about in this edition and subsequent ones are the prerequisite that is needed to claim and actualize your victory.
You may ask, why do I need to claim it if I already have it? Yes you have it by faith when you believed but victory and dominion must be enforced because your enemy the devil is not at rest, he is continually contesting for the victory you have. To be a champion is one thing but to remain an undisputed champion is another thing which requires that you consistently defend your title. Your victory this year will become undisputed in the name of Jesus as you take cognizance of the following pre-requisites.
. YOUR IDENTITY : The above scripture in 1 John gives a description of someone we can refer to as being born of God, this is one who has believed and accepted Jesus as the Christ, and as his Lord and savior. This simply means in today’s language as being born again or saved. The scripture further explains that it is only those who are born of God that will overcome the world.
The word overcome is the same word in Greek called ‘Nikaho’ meaning to conquer, to prevail, to overcome and get the victory. So your identity as a born again child of God automatically confers on you that victorious status over every work of the devil. This means the victory won by Christ on the cross over the enemy has been transferred to you by the virtue of your new identity in Christ.
Matthew 16:16-19 NIV. Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” [17] Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. [18] And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. [19] I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Peter got a revelation of Jesus as the Christ in the preceding scripture and upon this revelation Christ promised to build his church and the gates of hell or the enemy will not be able to overcome. Church here is translated in Greek as the ecclesia meaning the chosen and separated ones. In Christ you are the chosen and no power of hell can prevail over you. When you understand and know who you are in Christ, you will prevail and get the victory, when you operate from the position of your new identity, the enemy will be terrified; situations and challenges will bow because you have put on Christ, the anointed and the victorious one.
. YOUR FAITH: Another important pre-requisite that will help you actualize and sustain your total victory this year is your faith. The word faith can be used interchangeably with the word believe. We became born of God because we believe and have faith in him who is the head of all principalities and powers. In the fourth verse of our text scripture, John says the Victory that overcomes the world is our faith.
When you have faith in the Christ and the word of God, you will consistently walk victoriously. The walk of faith is a daily walk with Christ, trusting and believing in his word. As you continue daily in his word studying and meditation, your faith is built and becomes stronger,
Romans 10:17 Says ‘So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God’
The more of the word of God you get into your system, the more faith muscle you develop to overcome all the works of the devil. You need the word of God to overcome the world, the word of God builds your faith and your faith is your victory!
The word of God says in 2 Corinthians 2:14 KJV Now thanks be unto God, which always causes us to triumph in Christ, and makes manifest the savor of his knowledge by us in every place.
If you hold onto this and believe it, come what may, you will always triumph. This will build in you a victory mind set and make you overcome anything the enemy may throw in your direction. It makes you approach situations not with a victim’s mentality but with a victorious mentality. I challenge you to make the word of God your daily companion, get engrossed in it and let your faith muscle develop and begin to reclaim your victory in the name of Jesus. Keep on winning and keep on triumphing!
For Further Reading:
1 John 5


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