
Showing posts from January, 2018

Study 6B...the power of death and life is right there on our tongue.

@Livingwater Study 6B .Tongue We will be checking on the wrong and right use of our tongue,the power of death and life is right there on our tongue. 1 . THE WRONG USE OF THE TONGUE (1) Blaming God when tempted to do wrong (James 1:13-14). God never tempts us to sin; temptation arises when a man is lured away by his own lust. (2) Speaking hypocritically (James 1:26). It is easy to do this, and what a terrible statement about this very thing is found in Titus 1:16! (3) Expressing discrimination between rich and poor fellow-believers (James 2:1-4). Discrimination between people’’s colour, background, race and status in life can be thoroughly un-Christian. (4) Speaking unsympathetically to those in need (James 2:15-16). With so much poverty in our world, we need to search our hearts. (5) Boasting and flattering, thus causing a destructive fire (James 3:5). Just one word can cause a family upset or division in a church; see James 3:14. (6) Grumbling against each other (James 4:...

Study6A...What a vital subject this is, and how much we need to take note of the teaching of God’’s Word about the right and the wrong use of the tongue! ...Tongue

@Livingwater Study 6A THE RIGHT AND WRONG USE OF THE TONGUE THE LETTER OF JAMES Scripture Portion: James 3:1-12 It was the late Canon Guy King who used to say that the subject expounded in James 3:1-12 was in everybody’’s mouth! What a vital subject this is, and how much we need to take note of the teaching of God’’s Word about the right and the wrong use of the tongue! The fact is that our tongues may be used helpfully, for the glory of God and for the blessing of others; or they may be misused, bringing sorrow and tears to others, and in the process hindering the testimony of the Lord. The fact that throughout his letter James has much to say about this matter suggests that those he had in mind were guilty of committing what Matthew Henry calls ‘’tongue sins’’. So James shows us very pointedly that the tongue of a Christian is the indicator of that Christian’s spiritual health. Our speech reveals what kind of a Christian we are. In order to emphasise this fact James uses thre...

Study 5B...So far, however, faith (believing) is only a matter of the head, an intellectual assent. Will this belief save us? No! We can believe all that, and remain unsaved.

@Livingwater Study5B..Act of Faith James 2:14-26 Do you know you've been given a very special gift? It's faith! The Act of Faith prayer captures its essence. With faith God gives each of us supernatural grace to trust in Him and in His word completely. 3 . Saving faith begins when we hear the message of the gospel and believe that Christ is both able and willing to save us . Romans 10:17 is an important verse; we hear the message of the gospel (for example, John 3:16), and we believe it; we read 1 Timothy 1:15, and we believe it; we read Romans 10:13, and believe that Christ is the only Saviour and that He will save all who come to Him and trust Him to save them. So far, however, faith (believing) is only a matter of the head, an intellectual assent. Will this belief save us? No! We can believe all that, and remain unsaved. For example: (1) The woman who touched (Mark 5:25-34). When she came to the Lord Jesus she believed He was able to heal her, but this believing di...

Study5A... It is fruitless for us to say that we have faith if our faith is not demonstrated by good works..said by a man of God Francis Dixon

@Livingwater Study 5A... FAITH THAT DOESN’’T WORK IS DEAD! THE LETTER OF JAMES Scripture Portion: James 2:14-26 It is fruitless for us to say that we have faith if our faith is not demonstrated by good works. This is what James is saying in James 2:14-17, 20, 26. Our faith must work, otherwise we have no right to say that we have faith. Martin Luther was very concerned about the Letter of James, and even called it ‘‘an epistle of straw’’. Undoubtedly one reason was that he felt it contained no exposition of the gospel, and seemed to contradict Paul by making out that salvation is not by faith but by works. At first sight James does seem to contradict Paul; for example, compare what Paul says in Romans 4:1-5 and what James says in James 2:21-24. How do we reconcile these, when one says we are saved and justified by faith apart from works, and the other says that “a person is justified by what he does”? There is no contradiction here, as we consider this:- 1 . Faith in Christ ...

Study4B...Religion isn’t about what you say but about what you do and James defines for us what is the right thing to do. It is what he calls true or pure religion James wrote“ Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world ” (James 1:27).

@Livingwater Study 4B..True and pure religion James 1:27 Another portion of living a life of pure religion would be keeping oneself unstained or unspotted by the world. What does it mean by unstained? Paul wrote to Timothy “ I charge you in the presence of God, who gives life to all things, and of Christ Jesus, who in his testimony before Pontius Pilate made the good confession, to keep the commandment unstained and free from reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ ” (1 Tim 6:13-14). The context of being unstained is staying free of things that would bring reproach upon a person. Of Christ it was said that “ it was indeed fitting that we should have such a high priest, holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens” (Heb 7:26) so being unstained is refraining from becoming filthy in the sins of humanity. You can do all kinds of good for the widows and orphans but it if your life is stained by reproachful sins, then you cannot be pra...

Study4A.... Everyone is religious, because all are born with a religious instinct, but to say that we are religious is not necessarily to say anything good about ourselves..

@Livingwater Study 4A RELIGION: THE TRUE AND THE FALSE THE LETTER OF JAMES Religion is the WORST thing that has ever happened to this world; Countless Billions of souls have been doomed to Hellfire by false religion. Learn what the Bible has to say on the matter. I expose many false religions... not to be unkind... but because the truth has been hidden from the world's masses. Just remember, religion didn't die on the cross for you—Jesus Christ did! Scripture Portion: James 1:26-27 The word ‘‘religion’’ is used in one good sense in the New Testament –- here in one of our key-verses. Nowhere in the Bible are we exhorted to preach religion, but always to preach Christ. Look up and compare Acts 8:5 and 8:35. Pure religion is the outworking of that which God first of all works in us. Everyone is religious, because all are born with a religious instinct, but to say that we are religious is not necessarily to say anything good about ourselves. Dictators have been known for...

Study3B...We are to come to the Word of God and use it as a mirror to show us our true state ; then we are to adjust our lives accordingly In verses 23-25 James uses an interesting simile. The Word as a mirror...

@Livingwater Study3B...Implanted Word of God James 1:18-25 Last time we were able to do a thorough study on the Implanted word of God,His benefits,blessings that back it up....we will continue on the same study. The word of God as a mirror.take your time and go through,it has the ability to change and transform your life.God bless you. 4 . We are to come to the Word of God and use it as a mirror to show us our true state ; then we are to adjust our lives accordingly In verses 23-25 James uses an interesting simile. It is of a man looking at his face in a mirror; he sees that it is dirty, but he does nothing about it. He might just as well have not looked into the mirror. What should we do then? How should we use God’’s Word as a mirror? We should peer into it, as we see from the meaning of the words in verses 23-25. We should look at ourselves in the mirror of the Word, not casually, but with a view to seeing our true state –- because we can only see our face with the help of ...

Study 3A..It is significant that in his letter James includes a section about the nature of God’’s Word, and the way in which believers are to use it each day. It is impossible to live a life that is well-pleasing to the Lord unless we know how to use our Bible properly.

@Livingwater Study 3A ACCEPTING THE IMPLANTED WORD THE LETTER OF JAMES Scripture Portion: James 1:18-25 It is significant that in his letter James includes a section about the nature of God’’s Word, and the way in which believers are to use it each day. It is impossible to live a life that is well-pleasing to the Lord unless we know how to use our Bible properly. Carefully study James 1:18-25 and notice the following:- 1 . Three ways in which James describes the Word of God (1) ““The word of truth”” (verse 18). The definite article is here: the Bible is not ‘‘a’’ word but ‘’the’’ word of truth, which tells us that it stands alone; it is unique (Psalm 119:160), and compare Psalm 119:43; Ephesians 1:13; Colossians 1:5; 2 Timothy 2:15. The word of truth is the whole of God’’s verbal communication which has been given to man and which is now contained in the inspired canon of Scripture. (2) “”The word planted in you”” (verse 21). Notice the definite article again. There is only...

Study2B... This wisdom is a gift which is obtained by prayer. Notice that James does not say, ‘‘If any man lacks wisdom let him go to the university, or let him sit down and think’’! True wisdom

@Livingwater Study 2B..True wisdom James 1:5-8.. We have been able to  looked upon the first and second point of this study,by the grace of God we have been able to know what the true wisdom is and also know may be we need it.after all these we shall continue to check  on how do we get this particular wisdom .what made it particular is the true added to it.that mean there are varieties of wisdom.God bless you as you study..... 3 . CAN WE HAVE IT ? Yes, we can! Notice that James says, “”If any of you…”…” The reference is to every Christian, or as verse 2 reminds us, to ““my brothers””, to those who are children in the family of God – look up John 1:11-13. Not only can we know that God wants us to be pure, holy and peaceable, but we can actually be like this. It is God’’s will that we should be so. We can have the heavenly wisdom, we can translate into our daily lives the truth we learn from God’’s word, so that our lives demonstrate the truth –- look up Titus 2:10. 4 ...

Study2A..The subject is clearly defined and may be entitled, ‘‘Heavenly wisdom: what it is and how to get it’’. A careful look at these verses will prompt several important and practical questions, each of which is clearly answered in the passage.

@Livingwater Study 2A TRUE WISDOM AND HOW TO GET IT THE LETTER OF JAMES Scripture Portion: James 1:5-8 James 1:5-8 might be described as a classic passage. It is a well-known section of scripture and contains basic Christian teaching. The subject is clearly defined and may be entitled, ‘‘Heavenly wisdom: what it is and how to get it’’. A careful look at these verses will prompt several important and practical questions, each of which is clearly answered in the passage. 1 . WHAT IS IT ? We must understand what James means when he says, “”If any of you lacks wisdom…”…” What is this wisdom? Is this a promise for guidance in times of perplexity? Is this a promise for special insight and illumination when this is needed? Is the reference to intellectual knowledge or learning alone? These are most certainly included in the wisdom which we read about here, but this is a very practical thing and it has to do with the way a Christian lives. So it is not only intellectual: it is experi...

Study 1B...When James calls himself ““a servant of God”” he means that he is His slave. This implies absolute obedience. A slave knows no law but the word of his master. He has no rights of his own...spiritual maturity

@Livingwater Study 1B...Spiritual maturity.. James 1:1-4,12 Jesus came to offer life to the fullest (John 10:10) and He invites us to follow Him towards that end. If we know that we need help and that help comes from listening and following Jesus then as we reach out for Him He will lead us into spiritual maturity. Here are the remaining few step to spiritual growth...God bless you 4 . We must take our place as a slave. When James calls himself ““a servant of God”” he means that he is His slave. This implies absolute obedience. A slave knows no law but the word of his master. He has no rights of his own. His master literally owns him (1 Corinthians 6:19-20; 1 Peter 1:18-19). To be a slave also implies utter loyalty –- pledged to his master. His own profit, and even his comforts, do not matter. What a privilege to be a slave of the Lord Jesus! 5 . We must expect our faith to be tested , and must submit to the Lord in all His dealings with us . James takes this up in verses ...

Study 1A...James opens his letter with the theme of spiritual maturity (verse 4), where we read that God’’s purpose for His children is ““that (they) may be mature and complete, not lacking anything...Spiritual maturity.

@Livingwater Series 14 Study 1A THE PATHWAY TO SPIRITUAL MATURITY THE LETTER OF JAMES There are many ways that people can grow in spiritual maturity but there is one major step to take before any of it can happen! We have to first make the step of recognizing that we need help. Found in the Bible in Mark 2:17 Jesus tells his listeners, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Scripture Portion: James 1:1-4, 12 It is generally accepted that the writer of this letter was James, a brother of the Lord Jesus, known to the early Church as James the Just. He, with others in his family, were opponents of Christ, as we learn from Mark 3:21 and John 7:1-10. His conversion came about after the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:7). Later he believed, and became bishop, or leader, of the Jerusalem church. His letter was written to the whole church, for the reference to “”the twelve tribes”” in verse 1 is a symbolic descript...

Study 10 B...Here, then, is the picture of the Bridegroom. He is altogether lovely, He is the outstanding one among ten thousand,

@Livingwater Study10B...His return.. Song of song 8:14 Here, then, is the picture of the Bridegroom. He is altogether lovely, He is the outstanding one among ten thousand, He is the Beloved One, He is preparing a home for all who love and belong to Him, and He is soon coming to take them to that heavenly Home. Now see the picture of the waiting bride. 2 . HOW THE BRIDE IS DESCRIBED What are we told about the bride? (and remember the Bride is the Church, which is composed of individual believers). (1) Her overflowing joy. First, we are told that as she waited for her lord she waited “”joyfully””, and this should be the experience of each one who is waiting for the Lord Jesus to come again. We should be filled with the joy that comes through sins forgiven (1 John 2:12); through humble obedience to our Lord (Acts 13:52); and through the knowledge that our names are written in Heaven (Luke 10:20). Are we joyful as we anticipate His return? –- look up 1 Peter 1:8, and compare the ...

Study 10A. It is surely a very significant thing that in the Song of Songs, which portrays Christ as the heavenly Bridegroom and the Church as His Bride, the closing verse links up with the glorious truth of the Second Advent...His Return

@Livingwater Study 10A. LOOKING FOR THE BRIDEGROOM’’S RETURN THE SONG OF SOLOMON Key-verse: ““Come away, my lover, and be like a gazelle or like a young stag on the spice-laden mountains”” (Song of Songs 8:14) It is surely a very significant thing that in the Song of Songs, which portrays Christ as the heavenly Bridegroom and the Church as His Bride, the closing verse links up with the glorious truth of the Second Advent. The Bible ends in exactly the same way (Revelation 22:20) –- ““He who testifies to these things says, ‘’Yes, I am coming soon.’’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”” This is the cry of the waiting Bride for her Bridegroom. This is what the bride of old said, “”Come away, my lover, and be like a gazelle or like a young stag on the spice-laden mountains.”” The rendering of this in the Amplified Bible reads like this:- “”(Joyfully the radiant bride turned to him, the one altogether lovely, the chief among ten thousand to her soul, and with unconcealed eagerness to begin he...

Study 9B...Have you started the journey out of the wilderness by putting your trust in Christ? Are you coming up more and more out of the wilderness, and as you come up do you lean upon Him for your every need to be supplied?..Journey out of the wilderness..

@Livingwater Study 9B...Leaning on Him We have considered some of the questions that came up from the text of the study.we will be considering the remaining .God bless you as you study.... 3 . ““WHO IS THIS ?”” – She is the Bride coming up from the wilderness , leaning (on her Lover ). She comes up leaning! and how significant is this indication of the bride’’s posture, for in the process and experience of salvation, of sanctification and of service our attitude as the Bride, as individual believers, must ever be one of leaning upon our Lover, our heavenly Bridegroom. Why did she lean, and what did her leaning indicate? (1) She was weak in herself –- look up 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. (2) She believed he could and would support her –- look up Jude 24. (3) The journey was long and arduous –- look up Acts 21:1-16! (4) She needed his wisdom –- (James 1:5); she needed him to guide her (Proverbs 3:6); she needed his provision (Philippians 4:19); and she needed his protection (Deutero...

Study 9A..The section of scripture we are to study begins with an arresting question, which was evidently asked by the daughters of Jerusalem as they saw the radiant and happy bride passing by and leaning on the arm of her beloved bridegroom..leaning on Jesus.

@Livingwater Study 9A  LEANING ON OUR BELOVED THE SONG OF SOLOMON Key-verse: ““Who is this coming up from the desert leaning on her lover?…”…” (Song of Songs 8:5-7) The section of scripture we are to study begins with an arresting question, which was evidently asked by the daughters of Jerusalem as they saw the radiant and happy bride passing by and leaning on the arm of her beloved bridegroom. The question presents to us, with the words that follow, a beautiful picture of the present position of the believer in relation to the Lord and of some of the great blessings which the believer possesses in the Lord. Let us unfold the passage in the following way:- ” 1 . ““WHO IS THIS ?”” – She is the Bride. It is the bride who is referred to, and she represents the Bride of Christ, the Church, the individual believer. In the New Testament the Church is spoken of as a Building (Ephesians 2:22); as the Body of Christ (Ephesians 1:23); as the Brotherhood of believers (Ephesians 2:1...

Study 8B...In any true marriage the bridegroom and the bride give themselves to each other, unreservedly and for ever; and in this holy relationship of the saved sinner and the Saviour it is the same.

@Livingwater Study 8B...He is mine. Song of song 6:2 In any true marriage the bridegroom and the bride give themselves to each other, unreservedly and for ever; and in this holy relationship of the saved sinner and the Saviour it is the same. It is not only true that I am His, but it is also gloriously true that He is mine; therefore I can be sure about three things:- (1) He is mine –- then how Safe I am! If I am His and He is mine, I must be absolutely secure for time and for eternity. This is an indissoluble union. No man, devil or angel can interfere with it or break it –- look up John 10:28-29, and compare Colossians 3:3 and Romans 8:35-39. Just as an earthly bridegroom willingly and gladly assumes the responsibility for the safe keeping of his bride, so does our Heavenly Bridegroom guarantee our protection for time and for eternity. (2) He is mine –- then how Rich I am! Think how rich the Lord Jesus is – and He is mine! In an earthly marriage the bridegroom endows his br...

Study 8A..Every real Christian can say, ‘”I am my lover’’s and my lover is mine.”” In this beautiful and inspired love story the Lord Jesus is presented as the Divine lover and the Church as His bride.

@Livingwater Study 8A  I AM HIS, AND HE IS MINE THE SONG OF SOLOMON Key-verse: ““I am my lover’’s and my lover is mine”” (Song of Songs 6:3) These nine words in the Song of Songs 6:3 sum up the message and theme of the whole book. They constitute the personal testimony of the bride, and therefore of the Church and of every individual believer. Every real Christian can say, ‘”I am my lover’’s and my lover is mine.”” In this beautiful and inspired love story the Lord Jesus is presented as the Divine lover and the Church as His bride. He is spoken of over and over again as “the Lover”, and the one glorious truth which is emphasised in our key-verse is the truth of our union with Christ and His union with us. Notice, concerning this union, that:- (1) It is a Present experience –- “”I am my lover’’s and my lover is mine.”” This is something that is true now of every believer. (2) It is a Personal experience –- ““I am my lover’’s and my lover is mine.”” There are four pronouns...

Study 7B. ...The daughters of Jerusalem, astonished at her anxiety, ask the question in Song of Songs 5:9; and in answer to this challenge the bride begins to describe her bridegroom.

@Livingwater Study 7B Christ's Love Song of song 5:16 This is the concluding part of the study7A.God bless you as you study What are the peculiarities of Christ?..... 4 . THE ATTRACTIVENESS AND THE BEAUTY OF HIS FACE Verse 13 tells us that ““His cheeks are like beds of spice yielding perfume.”” His face is like a beautifully laid out flower garden with that fragrant smell. The unsaved see no beauty in Him (Isaiah 53:2), but how beautiful He is to those who love Him and belong to Him! ” 5 . THE PURE AND TENDER EXPRESSIONS OF HIS LOVE AND GRACE In verse 13 we read: ““His lips (are) like lilies, dripping with myrrh.”” The bride here is speaking of the purity and tenderness of her lover’’s kisses. These kisses speak to us of those times when our Lord draws near to us and in the secret intimacy of fellowship we are bathed in His love and sustained by His grace (John 14:23); compare 2 Corinthians 12:9. ” 6 . THE SKILFULNESS OF HIS GUARDING , HIS GUIDING AND HIS PROVIDING I...

Study 7A...It is important to remember that the theme of this Song is the love of Jesus for His own, the love of the Bridegroom for His bride, the love of the Shepherd for His sheep, the love of the King for His queen. ..loveliness if christ

@Livingwater Study 7A THE LOVELINESS OF CHRIST THE SONG OF SOLOMON Key-verse: “”He is altogether lovely”” (Song of Songs 5:16) It is important to remember that the theme of this Song is the love of Jesus for His own, the love of the Bridegroom for His bride, the love of the Shepherd for His sheep, the love of the King for His queen. T we find here all the mysteries of love tenderly expressed in terms of glowing affection, as the Lord Jesus reveals Himself as the Bridegroom, the Lover, the outstanding one among ten thousand, the altogether Lovely One – look up Song of Songs 5:9-16. With this in mind notice that this chapter contains a conversation between the bride and the daughters of Jerusalem. She tells how through her laziness she had turned her bridegroom away from the door. He had been on a journey, and when he returned late at night she had been too lazy to open to him, and when at last she did open the door he had gone. The daughters of Jerusalem, astonished at her anxi...

Study 6B..In his endeavours and longing to be united with his bride he tried the door, only to find it was locked; so he put his hand through the keyhole. She saw this, but she did not at once rise to unbolt the door and let him in, and while she delayed, and because he would not force an entrance, he left.

@Livingwater Study 6B spiritual apathy Song of songs 5:2-8 The part A of this study told us vividly the negligence of the woman which make her to lose her lover,though she later searched for Him,but was not an easy task we will be focussing on the remaining part of the study,which will entails the recovery of her lover and also what she really passed through. God bless you as you study. 4 . THE RECOVERY SHE SOUGHT We get this in verses 4 and 5. A marvellous thing happened. Notice what the bridegroom did, in verse 4. In his endeavours and longing to be united with his bride he tried the door, only to find it was locked; so he put his hand through the keyhole. She saw this, but she did not at once rise to unbolt the door and let him in, and while she delayed, and because he would not force an entrance, he left. She was then overcome with contrition and sorrow, and she rose up to open the door. It seems from verse 5 that she hesitated because she wanted to anoint herself with oint...

Study 6A ...This section in the Song of Songs tells us how the bride, on account of apathy and neglect, lost fellowship with her bridegroom. The bride loved, and certainly belonged to, her bridegroom...peril of spiritual apathy.

@Livingwater Study 6A THE PERIL OF SPIRITUAL APATHY THE SONG OF SOLOMON Key-verse: ““I slept but my heart was awake:……I opened for my lover, but my lover had left; he was gone…”…” (Song of Songs 5:2-8) This section in the Song of Songs tells us how the bride, on account of apathy and neglect, lost fellowship with her bridegroom. The bride loved, and certainly belonged to, her bridegroom. That relationship could never change, but for the time being she was out of touch with him. This was due to her apathy, to her neglect of him, to her lazy carelessness. She reached a point where she sought him, ““but my lover had left, he was gone””. It was not his fault that fellowship was broken, but hers, and yet she had not intended it. She had just been careless and neglectful, she had perhaps taken his love for granted, and she had become self-occupied. It was not that she had been unfaithful and had lived as a prostitute (Jeremiah 3:1); it was not due to any wilful sin (Hebrews 10:26); it...

Study 5B...“But the fruit of the (Holy) Spirit, [the work which His presence within accomplishes] –- is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness; (Meekness, humility) gentleness, self-control (self-restraint, continence).””

@Livingwater Study 5B The little foxes Song of song 2:15 4 . THE FRUIT WE ARE TO BEAR IS “ ”THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT ”” This is not “”the fruit of the spirit”” (small ‘s’), but “”the fruit of the Spirit”” (large ‘S’) – Galatians 5:22-23 which, in the Amplified Bible, reads – – ““But the fruit of the (Holy) Spirit, [the work which His presence within accomplishes] –- is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness; (Meekness, humility) gentleness, self-control (self-restraint, continence).”” These verses give us a vivid picture of the Christian life as our Lord intended it should be. We should be loving, joyful, restful, patient, kind, good, trustworthy, humble and disciplined. This is the fruit we should be bearing. These are the graces which should characterise us as Christians. Now notice the next point. ” 5 . THE “ ”LITTLE FOXES THAT RUIN THE VINEYARDS”” , THAT HINDER THE GROWTH AND TAKE AWAY THE TENDER ...

Study 5A. You did not choose me, but I have chosen you and appointed you to go and bear fruit –- fruit that will last””, and it would seem most appropriate to set the key-verse of this study against this one great declaration of our Lord....Little foxes

@Livingwater Study 5A  THE LITTLE FOXES THAT SPOIL THE VINES THE SONG OF SOLOMON Wishing you a prosperous year....... Key-verse: “”Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom”” (Song of Songs 2:15) There is one verse in the Gospel of John which tells us of the Lord’’s purpose for every one of His children. That verse is John 15:16, which contains the word of Jesus Himself – – “You did not choose me, but I have chosen you and appointed you to go and bear fruit –- fruit that will last””, and it would seem most appropriate to set the key-verse of this study against this one great declaration of our Lord. To do this will enable us to learn some lessons about fruitfulness in Christian living and in Christian service. Consider the following sequence of teaching:- ” 1 . TO BEGIN WITH , WE SEE THAT JESUS HIMSELF IS ““ THE TRUE VINE” ” We are sure of this because we are told in John 15:1 that He said of Himself, ““I am the tr...

Study 4 B..We learn this from the words in verse 3: ““His fruit is sweet to my taste.”” The reference is to the fruit of the tree under which the bride was sitting with her lover. Under His shadow

@Livingwater Study 4B ..under His shade (concluding part) We stopped at number 3 yesterday ,this is the concluding part. To sit under his shadow is to have Him as supplier....memory verse still constant Song of Solomon 2 :3-4. 4 . IN CHRIST WE HAVE BOUNTIFUL SUPPLY We learn this from the words in verse 3: ““His fruit is sweet to my taste.”” The reference is to the fruit of the tree under which the bride was sitting with her lover. She found complete sufficiency and absolute satisfaction in his gracious provision for her. What is this sweet satisfying fruit that we, as Christians, experience and that is only ours because of our union with the Lord Jesus? It is mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. We cannot produce this fruit; it is “”the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the work which His presence within accomplishes”” (Amplified Bible) –- look up and compare Hosea 14:8 (last phrase). How satisfying His fruit is! – – “His fruit is sweet to my taste””! ” 5 . IN CHRIST WE HAVE PERSONAL GUI...

Study 4 A. The bride speaks of her estimate of her loved one and tells us what she possesses in him. She describes him (in verses 3,8,9,10,16) as her “”lover””, and she concludes by saying, ““My lover is mine, and I am His....sitting in His shade.....

@Livingwater Study 4 SITTING DOWN IN HIS SHADE. (Part A) THE SONG OF SOLOMON Key-verses: ““I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste. He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love”” (Song of Songs 2:3-4) The Song of Songs set forth in tender symbolism the love of Christ for the Church (His Bride); and the love of the Bride (His Church), for Christ (the Bridegroom). In this small section of scripture the bride is speaking about her bridegroom, and in what she says we have a glimpse of the sufficiency of our Lord. The bride speaks of her estimate of her loved one and tells us what she possesses in him. She describes him (in verses 3,8,9,10,16) as her “”lover””, and she concludes by saying, ““My lover is mine, and I am his.”” It is exactly like this with the Lord and His people. We are married to Christ (Romans 7:3-4). How rich and how blessed we are! –- look up Romans 8:16-17; Ephesians 1:3 and 1:11; Colossians 2:9-10. Do you wonder t...