Study 1....If you are a Christian, you assuredly want to hear Jesus say to you someday, "Well done, good and faithful servant," but it's one thing to desire this and another to be walking the straight and narrow path.
@Livingwater Study 1 CHRISTIANS CALLED BY A NEW NAME Happy Sunday! Scripture Portion: 1 Peter 4: 12-19 One word we are all familiar with is the word ‘Christian’. Most of us possess a Christian name, and many people in a very broad and nominal sense would call themselves Christians, but are they Christians in the New Testament sense of the word? Some think that because they are born in a ‘Christian’ country or have received a ‘Christian’ education, or have affiliated themselves to a Christian church and adopt Christian principles, that this is all they need to do to become a Christian. The fact is that we can do all these things and still not be a Christian, for these things are external. It is possible to be a church member, good, moral and kind, and still not be a Christian. What, then, is a Christian? In the New Testament we find the answer to this important question and we discover that the word ‘Christian’ is used only three times - in Acts 11:26; Acts 26:28 and 1...